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Re: New blend creation (debian-astro)

On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 11:22:42AM +0100, Ole Streicher wrote:
> As I wrote: this is on purpose -- the ", " delimits the last name and
> the initials and the " and " delimits the authors.
> The list starts with
> 'Astropy Collaboration and Robitaille, T.P. and Tollerud, E.J. and
> Greenfield, P. and Droettboom, M. and Bray, E. and [...]'

'Astropy Collaboration and Robitaille, T.P. and Tollerud, E.J. and  Greenfield, P. and Droettboom, M. and Bray, E. and Aldcroft, T. and  Davis, M. and Ginsburg, A. and Price-Whelan, A.M. and Kerzendorf, W.E. and Conley, A. and Crighton, N. and Barbary, K. and Muna, D. and Ferguson, H. and Grollier, F. and Parikh, M.M. and Nair, P.H. and Unther, H.M. and Deil, C. and Woillez, J. and Conseil, S. and Kramer, R. and Turner, J.E.H. and Singer, L. and Fox, R. and Weaver, B.A. and Zabalza, V. and Edwards, Z.I. and Azalee Bostroem, K. and Burke, D.J. and Casey, A.R. and Crawford, S.M. and Dencheva, N. and  Ely, J. and Jenness, T. and Labrie, K. and Lim, P.L. and Pierfederici, F. and Pontzen, A. and Ptak, A. and Refsdal, B. and  Servillat, M. and Streicher, O.'(44) -> 'Astropy Collaboration, Robitaille, T.P., Tollerud, E.J.,  Greenfield, P., Droettboom, M., Bray, E., Aldcroft, T.,  Davis, M., Ginsburg, A., Price-Whelan, A.M., Kerzendorf, W.E., Conley, A., Crighton, N., Barbary, K., Muna, D., Ferguson, H., Grollier, F., Parikh, M.M., Nair, P.H., Unther, H.M., Deil, C., Woillez, J., Conseil, S., Kramer, R., Turner, J.E.H., Singer, L., Fox, R., Weaver, B.A., Zabalza, V., Edwards, Z.I., Azalee Bostroem, K., Burke, D.J., Casey, A.R., Crawford, S.M., Dencheva, N.,  Ely, J., Jenness, T., Labrie, K., Lim, P.L., Pierfederici, F., Pontzen, A., Ptak, A., Refsdal, B.,  Servillat, M. and Streicher, O.'(87)

Please keep on reading the whole string!!!

  ...  H.M., Deil, C., Woillez, J., Conseil, S., Kramer, R., Turner, J.E.H., Singer, L.,  ...
> which looks OK to me. At least, this is conform to the recommendation

Its simply wrong!
Hope this helps



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