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Re: pbuilder

 On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 02:40:45AM +0100, Dale Amon wrote:
> He replied, and the answer was that this is already
> possible. There is a last argument that can be a specific
> script name; in which case that is used as the script
> instead of the default "sid/woody/potato" script for
> building a sid/woody/potato dist as specified by the
> dist argument.
> Is the need for this in pbuilder unique to myself
> or should it be a generally accessible feature? The problem
> is, it would require Yet Another Argument to pbuilder.

I've got an idea how to do it without any extra args. What
	* we find a hookdir arg
	* we then look for a file named sid/woody/potato
	  or whatever in that hookdir, and if found use
	  that instead of the default one for debootstrap?

I am envisioning a given hookdir as containing the full
definition of a complete private release, so this seems
reasonable (to me at least).

If you like the idea, I'll code it. Shouldn't be difficult
at all.

Use Linux: A computer        Dale Amon, CEO/MD
is a terrible thing          Village Networking Ltd
to waste.                    Belfast, Northern Ireland

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