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Re: Request to fast track gitlab dependencies

On 11/17/18 12:57 AM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> Yes, but if you install the ruby >= 2.4 that is needed for gitlab, you
> also want other stuff written in ruby to keep working, so you would also
> need to rebuild *all* extensions. but this is not viable as I try to
> ellaborate below.

Only the 43 required for gitlab I assume, as other packages will
continue to use ruby 2.3 if we make ruby 2.5 available as
/usr/bin/ruby2.5 only. Did I make a mistake here in the estimation?

>> I think spending more hours to rebuild is better than backporting
>> security patches to older versions.
> By this argument we would not have stable releases.

But we are talking about backports whose aim to get newer packages for
stable releases.

> Anyway, when you say older versions, you mean older versions of what?
> ruby has security support in stable, and does the majority of toolchain
> packages in stable.

Backporting security fixes to older versions of gitlab.

> And, when making a stable update, you not only want to fix the security
> issue, you also want to not break existing stuff that works. A targeted
> security fix is way easier to verify as not breaking stuff as an entire
> new upstream release with new features, new bugs (by definition), and
> new small incompatibilities.

But we are talking about backports here which is explicitly meant for
newer upstream versions.

> There is a reason you usually don't see backports of programming
> languages, and other toolchain-related packages: a backport is, by
> definition, a build of newer software against an older base. The moment
> you start introducing changes to that base itself, what includes
> toolchain packages such as interpreters, and other base packages, you
> open yourself up to a ton of integration problems, because the entire
> system was not tested against that base.

I can see at least golang-go has backports and a large number of golang
packages in stretch-backports.

> If upstream cares about having newer gitlab on Debian stable from Debian
> backports, they will need to care about it actually working with ruby
> from stable. This could mean just keeping ruby 2.3 in their CI matrix so
> you know it still works, and avoid using features that are not present
> in ruby 2.3.

I have requested them to support ruby 2.3 and waiting for their response.

You can see the situation with gitlab 11.1.8 (the first gitlab version
that dropped ruby 2.3 support)
https://gitlab.com/pravi/gitlab-ce/pipelines/36935971 Possibly the
failures are in tests only but someone needs to fix them.

> I really appreciate your efforts. I know maintaining gitlab is no small
> feat, and is a lot of work. I don't manage a gitlab installation myself
> but there are people out there who do, and I'm sure they would join me
> in thanking you. But requiring a newer toolchain is going too far away
> from what the backports repository is intended for.

Thanks for your kind words and suggestions. I'm looking at all the
options and hopefully we can find a way that is agreeable to all parties
(at the least by unofficial repo).

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