Re: Single Chip ARM solution for Debian Linux?
On Sunday 22 July 2012 22:10:22 Elena ``of Valhalla'' wrote:
> On 2012-07-22 at 14:49:00 +0100, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > lastly it is worthwhile mentioning that yes, openwrt can even now fit
> >
> > into 16 or even 8mb of RAM, [...]
> >
> > bottom line is: if you're prepared to increase the RAM requirements
> >
> > to say 64mb and to use debian 3.1 (*1) from over 10 years ago you
> > *might* get lucky,
8MB for an X less device
atleast 16MB for a barely functional X
32Mb works well with X
Ram is external to the SOC.
> Actually, in my experience current debian (wheezy) is able to boot and
> run cli apps on a device with 32MB RAM (ben nanonote, ships with openwrt),
> but it will need a bit of swap to be able to run apt-get.
> On an old laptop with 128MB RAM I run a full LXDE desktop, and it
> is able to run even iceweasel.
> A computerish device with 64MB RAM should be able to run a modern
> headerless debian system without significant issues.
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