debian-apache Aug 2013 by thread
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Bug#717476: Fwd: Re: updates lost Alias modules Norbert Preining
Processed: your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of ssl-cert_1.0.33_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
Bug#698787: marked as done (ssl-cert: Please mark Multi-Arch: foreign) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#712914: marked as done (ssl-cert: [INTL:ja] New Japanese translation) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#710934: apache2: please include a way to automatically move conf.d files to conf-available Jean-Michel Vourgère
ssl-cert_1.0.33_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#717476: apache2: 2.2 -> 2.4 clears mods-enabled and sites-enabled Martin Hradil
Processed: tagging 718387 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#711493: No default site enabled after fresh install if /etc/apache2 exists Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#714341: apache2: Disabled Sites Still Served Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#718650: [apache2] Shipped ports.conf refers to old path for 000-default configuration Filipus Klutiero
Bug#718677: apache2.conf comment: Isn't LogLevel better explained as severity then number of messages? Regid Ichira
Processed: tagging 718677, tagging 718650 Debian Bug Tracking System
mpm-itk as separate package Stefan Fritsch
Bug#296493: apache2ctl -t should warn about non-initial # Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#718789: apache2: upgrade wheezy -> testing (2.4.6-2) wiped out all of my log files Julian Gilbey
Bug#388443: marked as done (apache2: MUST NOT send data in an 304 reply) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#421820: marked as done (ap_escape_uri() doesn't escape &-sign) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed (with 1 errors): your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: BTS lost with versions.... Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#718909: apache2: 2.4 Upgrade init and cron files reference incorrect 'htcacheclean' locations Dominique Brazziel
Bug#718909: Typo in 'start-htcacheclean' stanza Dominique Brazziel
Processed: Opened a proper ticket upstream Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#716880: apache2 upgrade failed Julian Gilbey
Bug#719097: apache2-bin: removes most local configuration and logs on update Francesco Potortì
Processed (with 1 errors): merging 719097 718789 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: reassign 719097 to apache2, merging 719097 718789 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#719245: dep8 test for apache2 passphrase prompting Robie Basak
Bug#719265: apache2: Cleanup after a2_invoke enable third party mod|conf|site Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#719266: apache2_invoke enconf ignores dependencies disabled by admin Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#719280: Error/warn: Config variable .... is not defined - Invalid Mutex directory in argument file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} André Verwijs
Bug#719280: additional information: Andre Verwijs
Processed: severity of 719266 is wishlist, severity of 719265 is wishlist Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 718909 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#719432: apache2: Please suggest reloading using 'service' Jordi Mallach
Processed: tagging 714872 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#714872: marked as done (apache2: Please enable bindnow hardening build flag) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#717910: marked as done (apache2: incorrect lbmethod_* module dependency) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#718387: marked as done (apache2-data: Please mark Multi-Arch: foreign) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of apache2_2.4.6-3_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
apache2_2.4.6-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processed: reopening 718909 Debian Bug Tracking System
Buna ziua firme romanesti
Bug#719791: libapr1: Crash in libapr when using svn+ssh URL in svn:externals Johannes Willkomm
Bug#719930: apache2-suexec-custom: trailing whitespace Christoph Anton Mitterer
Bug#720131: apache2.2-common: ssl cert gerneration instructions don't work jasen
Bug#697465: apache2.2-common: initial install fails: Could not read /etc/apache2/envvars Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#630888: ssl renegotiation hangs with long ca lists Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#720414: apache2-dev: invoking apache2-maintscript-helper should be protected with -r, not -e Julian Gilbey
Bug#720747: apache2: After upgrading to version 2.4.6-3, The requested URL <bla bla bla> was not found on this server Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
Bug#720748: Report 404 (Not Found) errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
Bug#720748: Migrate known configuration files Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
Bug#720747: Migrate known configuration files Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
Bug#718909: Also the disk_cache.load reference in function check_htcacheclean() Dominique Brazziel
Bug#710934: apache2: After upgrading to version 2.4.6-3, The requested URL <bla bla bla> was not found on this server Jean-Michel Vourgère
Processed: [bts-link] source package apache2 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#721071: apache2: Upgrade breaks configuration Jason Williams
Bug#590509: marked as done (bash-completion completes a2enmod incorrectly) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#684050: marked as done (apache2-mpm-prefork: SuppressHTMLPreamble also discards data in the directory listing) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#714329: Apache2 Basic Authentication on Ldap Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#717666: apache2: Internal Server Error when using an option that doesn't change anything Jean-Michel Vourgère
Bug#721272: apache2: logrotate script should not call /etc/init.d/apache2 directly Jean-Michel Vourgère
The last update was on 08:42 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 125 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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