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Bug#719280: Error/warn: Config variable .... is not defined - Invalid Mutex directory in argument file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR}

> Hello André

> It looks like you did not define required variables APACHE_LOCK_DIR,
> APACHE_PID_FILE and so on.

> This is exactly what envvar file is for. You *need* to source it
> before runing apache.

> apache2 is a service. On Debian, you need to start services using
> service(8) on the command line:
> #service apache2 start
> This will call /etc/init.d/apache2 that does all the magic.

> Alternatively, you could find apache2ctl(8) useful.

well these are default files from the Apache2 package on Debian (jessie) mirrors, i haven't made any changes. 
with the command "service apache2 start" it says ok but Apache doesn't start. 

and what the difference between running Apache with "/usr/sbin/apache2" or "service apache2 start"
does both commands look at the "envvar" file?  

and what about "/etc/apache2/srm.conf", "/etc/apache2/access.conf", "/etc/apache2/mime.types" (not created/available in Apache package) 


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