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Bug#720748: Report 404 (Not Found) errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Sunday 25 August 2013 05:32:12 Kingsley G. Morse Jr. wrote:
> I happened to notice that a 404 (Not Found) error
> was reported in access.log instead of error.log.

access.log is repporting all requests.

File not found error is properly logged here, but with severity info.

Default error.log filtering is to display only messages with severity warning
or above.
You can change that in apache2.conf, on the LogLevel line.

Can you try it, please?

Logging all informative messages would result in too big files, so that
important information is difficult to find inside. That's why it's not the
default. But you are free to change that settings if you prefer it.

-- Nirgal

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