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Re: How would I get debian unstable?

Douglas A. Tutty escreveu:
On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 01:54:35AM -0400, Robert Isaac wrote:
Do you know the difference between Unix and Linux?  Short answer is that
Linux wrote Linux when he needed a Unix but Unix was caught in the Unix
wars and there wasn't one available that wasn't tied up in legal
wrangling and rewriting to remove copywritten code.
So the kernel wrote itself?  How is that possible?  Has it become so
advanced in the future that it is capable of time travel and traveled
back to 1991 to self replicate?  Should we be worried about
consciousness within the Linux kernel?  Or did you mean Linus wrote

Ha!  I thought I was careful to use "s" instead of "x", but I'm not at
my IBM clicky keyboard.  I hate "modern" keyboards.

Yes, Linux wrote Linux when BSD wasn't available.  I've read a quote
somewhere that if BSD had been available he wouldn't have bothered with

I have to point that out that you just did it again. :-)

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