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Re: ia32 library repository, conclusion

El dc 14 de 05 de 2008 a les 05:10 +0200, en/na Goswin von Brederlow va
> Can you repeat instructions where to get the source for creating your
> repository and the repository itself again? The last url I saw did just
> give a permission denied.

I repeat (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=464796#40),

The apt source is:
deb lenny main contrib non-free

The apt key can be found here:

The unofficial package that creates the repository is debia32. There's
some documentation there.

Instructions for packages marked as "compile" manually were given as
bugs (maybe already closed) in their respective packages. I can send the
last resulting patch if someone needs it.

And I repeat
(http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers/2008-April/000006.html), do not click the repository link, you won't be authorized. The mirroring is expected to resume and won't have that limitation. If you want to browse the repository do rsync to

Note that I'll have to readjust libc6-i386 dependencies to return to the
official libc6 and rebuild again.

> As for the future direction of ia32-libs there have been some
> discussions with ftp-master as well. Here's a summary:
> - No package in main Depends/Build-Depends on converted 32bit libs
>   (last exception is wine which is to be rectified)

I never understood that part of the policy. Why a main source package
that produces a useful set of main binary packages can't produce
additional contrib or non-free packages? How do you solve that?

> What would be nice would be to integrate a repository of converted
> packages (or the i386 packages needed for conversion) on the debian
> amd64/ia64 CD/DVD images.

It would indeed. But if the official position is to convert from the
i386 mirror or use a separate one, then it's gonna be a conversion from
the i386 CD set or use a separate one. That could be a mini-CD (you
should try "Architecture: all", even with /emul/ia32-linux/), current
files are ~142MB.


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