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Re: No sound in flash movies Debian testing,firefox,nspluginwrapper, adobe 32-bit flash plugin??

I ended up following the advice posted at http://blog.niceperson.org/2007/07/01/nspluginwrapper-howto-for-debian-sid/ (which was referenced elsewhere on this thread) and now have working Flash for visuals.  However, I still have no audio.  I do have audio for other things (testing gnome system sounds works, totem-gstreamer plays audio, etc.  I'm using alsa and as I mentioned, sound WAS working.

I also saw on this thread that someone purged and reinstalled several things to get flash (with audio, I think) working again.  That sounds painful.


On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 23:55 +0100, Rob Andrews wrote:
On 06-Sep-2007 07:00.03 (BST), Dan Hugo wrote:
 > FWIW, my nspluginwrapper was working great from unstable on my amd64
 > platform [snip]
 > I also more-recently updated nspluginwrapper to in hopes that
 > the audio issues would be magically fixed [I've developed that same sort
 > of "damn, it just works..." confidence], but instead I no longer have
 > any embedded flash support in iceweasel.  While the about:plugins output
 > in iceweasel indicates flash support is present via the wrapped plugin,
 > I get a big gaping hole where any flash should be.

I'm sorry about that. I have this tendancy to reinstall Flash as a tester
when making a new package build.

The problem is that the XEMBED support changed radically between
and, and as a result you'll need to run '-u' to  update the plugin
wrapper, otherwise the plugin stub will fail to initialise correctly.

If you've installed the Flash plugin as root, run the following as root.
Otherwise run it as a normal user:

    nspluginwrapper -v -a -u

Restart Fireweasel/icefox or your browser-of-choice and it should come back
to life.

Let me know if this problem still persists after this. I will put a notice
in during upgrade for the next package release.


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