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Re: No sound in flash movies Debian testing,firefox,nspluginwrapper, adobe 32-bit flash plugin??

FWIW, my nspluginwrapper was working great from unstable on my amd64 platform (audio and video, reasonably watchable, etc).  This is a new machine as of about 2 weeks ago so I was quite happy that apt-get install did me right and grabbed the right flash and set up the right wrapper libs in the right directories.


A few days ago I started running into audio problems with Totem (which handles other media in Iceweasel and basic media playing of movies and whatnot) and it seems it was the Totem-xine package that was running up against some audio issues in libxine (libxine1 ?) with a mutex assert that I found mentioned online here and there.  I switched to Totem-gstreamer and am once again able to deal with normal media with audio and video.

I also more-recently updated nspluginwrapper to in hopes that the audio issues would be magically fixed [I've developed that same sort of "damn, it just works..." confidence], but instead I no longer have any embedded flash support in iceweasel.  While the about:plugins output in iceweasel indicates flash support is present via the wrapped plugin, I get a big gaping hole where any flash should be.

So the shorter answer is "me too."  I wonder if it's related to the libxine stuff, though a cursory examination of the output of ldd for the flash plugin so doesn't show a direct link there.  I've been way too busy to fret too much for the past 2 days or so about flash ads not playing, though, so again, "me too" is all I can offer at this time.


ps seeing this on a quad core intel machine and a turion x2 laptop, both running amd64 unstable, and it happened on my laptop first so I knew it was coming.

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 07:48 +0200, Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:
On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 00:43 -0500, Jaime Ochoa Malagón wrote:
> On 9/6/07, Joost Kraaijeveld <J.Kraaijeveld@askesis.nl> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > What do I have to do to enable sound for flash movies using Debian
> > testing, firefox nspluginwrapper, and adobe 32-bit flash plugin (all up
> > to date with the latest version as of today)?
> >
> > I did an (naive??) "apt-get install" and configured nothing, expecting
> > and hoping that it "just worked" and it does not. Reading several docs
> > did not reveal anything that I could use.
> >
> > 1. Can anyone confirm that it should work?
> That should work
> > 2. If it should, what can I do or read to make it work?
> try to configure your oss sound support
Well, I am listening to MP3's, watching DVD's, listening to internet
radio, so I suspect that my sound is configured correctly in general.
Could you be more specific?

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