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how to compile a recent xen dom0 kernel on amd64?


What is the current situation with xen on amd64? the debian/sid archive
keeps no linux-image-2.6.22-2-xen-amd64, and I was not able to compile
a 2.6.22 dom0 kernel with debian xen patches applied on my amd64 system.

I have linux-source-2.6.22 and linux-patch-debian-2.6.22 installed, and
followed the instructions from the workaround for

Then I built the kernel:

# make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd --append-to-version \
        -1-amd64-xen --revision 2.6.22-4 --added-patches xen clean
# make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd --append-to-version \
        -1-amd64-xen --revision 2.6.22-4 --added-patches xen kernel_image

And indeed some patches seem to be applied (see below). But i still
don't see any xen options in menuconfig. Maybe the 2.6.22 xen patches
are for i386 only and not ported to amd64 yet?
That would also explain why no linux-image-2.6.22-2-xen-amd64 package
exists in debian/unstable.

output of 'make-kpkg ... --added-patches xen kernel_image':

test ! -f applied_patches || rm -f applied_patches
for patch in /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/2.6.22/apply/xen ; do            \
          if test -x  $patch; then                    \
              if $patch; then                         \
                  echo "Patch $patch processed fine"; \
                  echo "$patch" >> applied_patches;   \
              else                                     \
                   echo "Patch $patch  failed.";      \
                   echo "Hit return to Continue";      \
                   read ans;                           \
              fi;                                      \
          fi;                                          \
Applying debian patch with xen parts
Warning: Can't find series file for 3
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/arm/nas100d-pata-artop-single-port.patch
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/falconide_intr_lock-reentrant.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/633-atari_scc.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/130-adbraw.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/141-ide.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/143-ioext.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/149-mc68681.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/152-pci.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/448-ide.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/478-serial.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/atari-rom-isa.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/atari-ethernec.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/unnecessary-m68k_memoffset.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/atari-aranym.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/ethernec-work.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/nfeth-virt_to_phys.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/ethernec-kill-ETHERNEC_USE_POLL.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-generic-io.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-mvme-scsi-rename.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-53c700-scsi.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/via-pmu68k-dead-code.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/dmasound_paula.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/disable-mac-broken-config-options.diff
--> 1 fully applied.
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/falconide_intr_lock-reentrant.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-page.h-needs-compiler.h.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/630-extern-cleanup.diff.1
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-use-_AC.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-amiga-z2ram-kill-TRUE-FALSE.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/add-termios2.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-arbitary-speed-tty-support.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-do-not-include-RODATA-in-text-segment.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-53c700-cleanups.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/split-amiga7xx.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/m68k-scsi-Kconfig-hickups.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/zorro_config_attr-read-only.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/zorro-module-device-table.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/falconide_intr_lock-ratelimit.diff
  (.) IGNORED   bugfix/m68k/debian-2.6.21-2-rom-isa.diff
--> 2 fully applied.
  (.) IGNORED   features/all/vserver/vs2.2.0.3.patch
  (.) IGNORED   features/all/vserver/bindmount-dev.patch
--> 4 fully applied.
Patch /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/2.6.22/apply/xen processed fine
echo done >  stamp-patch

so how do you compile a xen dom0 host-kernel for amd64? is it possible
with recent kernel sources at all?

thanks in advance,

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