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bug reporting?

Hello, I am a long time Debian user but a newcomer to the amd64 port. I met a problem in setting up a pure64 machine as a slave nis server, connected to a standard debian woody x86 nis master. It looks like the problem is in the 64 bit version, as it does not appear in the 32 bit version I installed (as a test) in the chroot.
Now the questions: should I use the standard debian bug tracking system to 
report amd64 bugs? I am uncertain, since it is not (yet) an official port. 
In the meanwhile, the second question: did anybody (try to) install a 
slave nis server on a pure64 and get it to transfer the nis maps from a 
debian x86 nis master server? Did anybody actually _succeed_ at it?
Problem description: when I run

/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -s <my_master_nis_server>

on the wannabe pure64 nis slave server, I get something like:

Transferring passwd.byuid...
Trying ypxfrd ...rpc.ypxfrd doesn't support the needed database type
call to rpc.ypxfrd failed: RPC: Can't decode result

 (failed, fallback to enumeration)

which is replicated for each and every nis map. The above occurs also each and every time I start the nis server/daemon using the provided /etc/init.d/nis script. If I replicate the configuration in the 32 bit chroot and run the 32 bit ypinit and/or server/daemon, everything runs smoothly.
Any hints, suggestions (apart from abandoning nis, which I would if I 
could, but I cannot...)
Thanks, bye


Giacomo Mulas <gmulas@ca.astro.it>

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"When the storms are raging around you, stay right where you are"
                         (Freddy Mercury)

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