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Re: AlphaServer 4100 support?

Woohoo!  I got it working!  The problem was that the firmware needed to
be upgraded.  I thought I had accomplished that the previous night, but
apparently it wasn't successful.

I never saw any mention of firmware upgrades in the install notes or
anything (though I could just have overlooked it).  It might be nice if,
in the next version of the install notes, we recommended running the
newest firmware.  It certiainly would have saved me some frustration.

I haven't yet been able to get an SMP kernel to work, which is
unfortunate because it means I've got 3 unused CPUs.  In fact, getting
kernel 2.4 to work at all, SMP or not, was very difficult.  I haven't
yet gotten a locally built kernel to boot, though hopefully the one
building now will change that.  The Debian SMP kernel seems to die when
trying to spawn init.  The non-SMP kernel boots OK, but oopses at least
once before reaching the login prompt on the console.  Once it's there,
things seem OK.

I'll try to verify tomorrow that the hardware is OK before asking for
further help with the SMP stuff.

Finally, would one of these machines be useful to the Debian project?
I've got several of them available to me, and it probably wouldn't be
any trouble for me to host them.  They're pretty beefy boxes, although
they don't have much in the way of disk space (the one I've got now has
3 4 gig disks).  It seems like they'd make really good general purpose
servers or buildd systems.


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