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Re: update of the installation disks

David Monro writes:
 > If you can build a Ruffian boot disk I can test it (not the actual install,
 > just that it boots appropriately etc).
 > 	David

That would be great, but before building it, I would
appreciate knowing more about the boot procedure on Ruffians, given
the number of differrent options:

I have seen the instruction on
which requires ldmilo.exe, milo.ful and osfpal.nh
529da5aa797a222c3b21f60cf8939408  ldmilo.exe
946946f6ab50579156f57bea19168adc  osfpal.nh
d9a71ee2c7cb56c9e284305f607b9e5c  milo.ful

2)  on gatekeeper.dec.com:
There is the ruffian.img in Test-Milos-981008 which contains
529da5aa797a222c3b21f60cf8939408  ldmilo.exe
38f2d20f3fa31908f361f8d963d0ee43  milo.ful
ff57f7f5f6a130b3e98a7c11702b3ef6  osfpal.nh

But there are also a new milo and ldmilo
b7147b6a28d6e2005e2a9eca2f06f508  ldmilo-ruffian-981020
ba40778b6b2b9ac2c9e3a9542ae5391b  milo-ruffian-981020
Does these new files remove the need for ospal.nh?

3) Now on the genie ftp directories, there is:
597188dd9e2c2fb80ae9ff778f40dc1  milo-981027/Ruffian
two milo.ful:
587eea0acf84859576d6fb9948d30c46  Ruffian-test/milo1.ful
535fcf7ed9207cde5b2cbabd5aef61d7  Ruffian-test/milo2.ful
(The ruffian1.img and ruffian2.img also there use the osfpal.nh and
ldmilo.exe in Test-Milos-981008/ruffian.img on gatekeeper, together
with the milo[12].ful)

In summary there are a lot of different solutions.

So obviously, before proposing a rescue disk, I would need some
guidance about what milo/ldmilo/osfpal.nh combination anyone has tried 
with success? 


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