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Re: Removing unwanted files at installation time

>>>>> On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 14:56:19 -0800, Seth R Arnold <sarnold@willamette.edu> said:

 Seth> [snipping to make shorter..]  On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at
 Seth> 11:07:59AM +1300, Peter Elliott wrote:
 >> At 12:53 23/01/00 -0800, Seth R Arnold wrote:
 >> >This I admit would be sort of slick -- perhaps there should be a
 >> >"copyrights" directory off of /usr/share/doc/ that contains the
 >> >entries "GNU" "Artistic" "BSD" "XFree86" "Mozilla" and packages
 >> >could symlink their copyright to one of those entries, if it
 >> >matches exactly.
 >> Warning Will Robertson Warning Warning RMS Alert <grins frantic
 >> grins> Seriously though This is not a path to be even sniffed at,
 >> let alone gone down in private, never mind public like this. Those
 >> pesky space consuming bitsa legalese are the only thing that stand
 >> between us *free* users and, well, unfreedom ;-) They need to be
 >> with the software/code they came with. A lot of time and trouble
 >> has been taken to come up with and keep viable this protection
 >> against megacorpdom et al.

 Seth> Well, I am not sure what would be so bad about symlinks. I
 Seth> don't think it would be worth all the trouble, to do a buncha
 Seth> symlinks, but I also don't see how that could cause trouble
 Seth> legally with the whole free software mantra. The copyright
 Seth> would still be available in the same spot --
 Seth> /usr/share/doc/foo/copyright -- but it would point to a shared
 Seth> copyright.  (Of course, the package providing copyright info
 Seth> would have to be the highest priority package on the whole
 Seth> system, and maybe if that package wasn't installed, that could
 Seth> be annoying.)

Umm.  Just so you know.  In general there is one copy of each major
license on the system.  Look in /usr/doc/copyrights (slink) or
/usr/share/common-licenses (in potato).  The "copyright" files in each
package are supposed to do four things: 1) say who created this
package, 2) say where you can find the source for this package, 3) say
who wrote the upstream of this package, and 4) specify the copyright.

In general section 4 has a "THis is GPLed see
/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for the full text".  Only when the
upstream uses a non-standard license is the full license included in
this file.


PS: There are exceptions and some packages include licenses files (one
of mine does actually), but in general there is only one copy of each
major licenses on a system.

@James LewisMoss <dres@ioa.com>         |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.ioa.com/~dres           |  Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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