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Re: Modernizing a Macintosh LC III

Scott Holder dixit:

>> I don't use an initrd (I build my own kernels) so I can't tell you
>> what the right arguments are. Probably root=/dev/ram Also, you

No, root=/dev/ram is for when you want to run a system installed
on the initrd. For the “initramfs style”, you just need to ensure
the initrd.img-$version file is loaded by the bootloader, the rest
appears to be automagic.

>> probably need to specify the real root filesystem partition (e.g.
>> /dev/sda5) but I don't know how this is done for a Debian initrd.

> I still use the real root (root=/dev/sda4 for example) option in

Yes, just pass root=something on the kernel command line, and the
Debian magic scripts will dissect that.

> Still haven't gotten around to trying to figure out the ADB options
> for X. I have a couple or three PPC Macs sitting around that ought to

I think evdev is correct right now for keyboard and mouse, and
fbdev might work for the graphical device (IIRC, someone reported
that it works on mac68k OOTB, and Geert has written a patch for
Atari, although I’ve not checked yet whether it’s been applied
upstram, and whether it’s already included in a release that is
packaged inside Debian, and I still need to manually rebuild X.org
since autobuilding it fails because it doesn’t seem to pass its
testsuite or something).

On the other hand, I was at OpenRheinRuhr this weekend and ran
Debian/m68k in ARAnyM on my laptop as “showcase”, which gathered
quite some interest from the crowd. (And I talked before thinking,
which is why I was forcibly volunteered to hold a talk about it
at the next VCFe (Vintage Computing Festival Europe)… I’ll talk
mostly about the ARAnyM and Debian aspects of it, so if people
can fill in the upstream (e.g. Linux kernel) or hardware (e.g.
real Atari, Amiga buildds, etc.) parts, we could do a joint talk.)

„Cool, /usr/share/doc/mksh/examples/uhr.gz ist ja ein Grund,
mksh auf jedem System zu installieren.“
	-- XTaran auf der OpenRheinRuhr, ganz begeistert
(EN: “[…]uhr.gz is a reason to install mksh on every system.”)

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