debian-68k Dec 2002 by thread
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Re: chicken or egg problem-newbie install question Wouter Verhelst
Re: chicken or egg problem-newbie install question Chris Tillman
Re: chicken or egg problem-newbie install question Erik C.J. Laan
Anyway to network my old mac without appletalk? George Bingham
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Souvenir Souvenir
libcdk 4.9.9-3 not being build on m68k Stephen Zander
LC III & networking possible? Brad Korponay
Fw: Debian Linux on an old macintosh George Bingham
Installing with new kernel possible? Brad Korponay
Re: GCC 3.2 bootstrap: compare fails Richard Zidlicky
Re: PCI cards in m68k Richard Zidlicky
Re: m68k cacheflushing Richard Zidlicky
Installation Problems on IIvx Michelle Konzack
Re: gcc-2.95 bugs on m68k: what to do ? Richard Zidlicky
root.bin too big Szymanski, Frank-Peter
电脑配件出售 debian-68k(回) zhu sijun
SCSI Jackhammer card support? Scott Holder
TOP~Lan Networking,Fiber Optic Networking System~offer best price!! Co.
Fastlane Z3 problem Winter
smbmount and kernel panics Scott Holder
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