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Re: The possibility of co-locating GUADEC 2015 with DebConf15

also sprach Oliver Propst <oliver.propst@gmail.com> [2014-07-06 11:21 +0200]:
> To get an idea of the GUADEC budget I would recommend to take
> a look at previous bids [1] [2].
> 1 https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2012/Bids
> 2 https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2013/Bids

Sorry, but I cannot immediately find the information and I don't
want to spend the time to search for them.

Just so you know: rooms should be around 35€/person incl. three
meals a day.

> > Since we organise room&board for our attendees and since the youth
> > hostel offers conferencing rooms, we preferred to have a single
> > contractual partner and chose to go with them. The conferencing
> > costs us 1000€/day.
> Ok, sounds reasonable.

That's discounted from 1.600 €/day because we intend to give them
130k €. Your price will probably differ.

> Hire? Well its not really possible to organize a conference
> remotely so there needs to be some interest from local people to
> arrange certain things such as budget, as well as some local
> people who are able to volunteer during the actual conference.

We have the same problem as we aren't local either, and I am not
sure any of us can or want to take on additional responsibilities
beyond DebConf15 — I am sure you understand… We are also looking for
local people (just not yet). If we collocate, this will pose the
question of whether we'll get into each others' way, as many of the
locals will be interested in GUADEC and DebConf.

> > What is your deadline?
> I think a bid needs to be ready within a month.

You can do that. I will tell you what the youth hostel says when
they reply.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:   http://debconf14.debconf.org
      DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org

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