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Re: The possibility of co-locating GUADEC 2015 with DebConf15

On Sun, 2014-07-06 at 08:29 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Oliver Propst <oliver.propst@gmail.com> [2014-07-03 15:06 +0200]:
> > My main concern are the venue, traditionally GUADEC have been
> > hosted at a University venue offered for free or a at a very low
> > fee, as is the case with DebConf our financial resources are very
> > limited.
> What is your budget?
To get an idea of the GUADEC budget I would recommend to take 
a look at previous bids [1] [2]. 

1 https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2012/Bids
2 https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2013/Bids

> > Have the University near the proposed DebConf15 venue been
> > considered as an option for hosting the conference, if so was
> > there any reason it was not selected?

> Since we organise room&board for our attendees and since the youth
> hostel offers conferencing rooms, we preferred to have a single
> contractual partner and chose to go with them. The conferencing
> costs us 1000€/day.
Ok, sounds reasonable.

> > If DebConf15 are going to be co-located with GUADEC 2015 its safe
> > to say that the local team would need to grow in size (this also
> > applies for the volunteer base during the actually conference).
> What does this mean? Are you trying to hire us to work on the GUADEC
> local team? ;)
Hire? Well its not really possible to organize a conference remotely
so there needs to be some interest from local people to arrange certain
things such as budget, as well as some local people who are able to
volunteer during the actual conference. 

> > While I understand this might be long-short, I would just want ask
> > the local team to consider the proposal and investigate the
> > conditions for this. Unfortunately we don’t have much time so
> > things need to move forward fast.
> What is your deadline?
I think a bid needs to be ready within a month.

-mvh Oliver Propst

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