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Re: Open issue for the Curitiba (Brazil) Team bid / Bid decision meeting 2018-01-25 14:30 UTC

On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 07:51:24AM +0100, Daniel Lange wrote:
> Seconded. We need the amount of beds available to us from each of them
> so we can see how many places we need to spread DebConfers through.
> Hotel Nacional Inn seems to be the closest. Sort the table from
> https://wiki.debian.org/Brasil/Eventos/MiniDebConfCuritiba2018/Hospedagem
> by distance, add the amount of double rooms, single rooms,
> other rooms and in sum total beds per line as long as we need them to go
> over the amount of attendees you expect. Then go to each of the hotels
> and confirm they are available in the date range. Document this on the wiki.
> Bonus points if you manage to do that before the bid decision meeting.


> > Of course, I understand you are presenting "public" prices. I guess
> > that, if we are to approach (say) Hotel Nacional (as they are closest)
> > and tell we want to book it all, we might get preferential
> > pricing.
> Or we may get the info that they are completely booked during the
> proposed dates by another event. Or closed down for renovation.
> Not likely but why go the risk?
> This is why we need to have a confirmation from the hotels. Obviously a
> pre-reservation would have been ideal (and that was what I asked for
> since 2016) but as long as we have an email confirming availability and
> pricing that should be good enough now as we can do a formal reservation
> soon if we find sufficient confidence in the Curitiba bid to confirm it.

Since 2016 we have tried to explain why pre-reservations are not
possible but it seems we couldn't get the message through: we explicitly
asked for that, but the hotels won't commit without some upfront
payment. So, we will *not* have pre-reservations to show.

We summarized the data we have so far here:

It's still pending to separate the number of vacancies per room type

We did confirm with them that they are available for the period where we
would have DC19. We couldn't get anything in writing though.

Please let us know if there is any other information that is needed.

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