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Re: [Debconf-team] Fixing the Debconf Delagation (was: Re: DebConf meetings this week)

> On 23 Sep 2015, at 21:51, martin f krafft <madduck@debconf.org> wrote:
>>> The other (more exceptional) power that the chairs have to
>>> interfere with day-to-day affairs is also problematic:
>>> overriding decisions
>>> While this is only used rarely,
>> Actually, the value of that power is that it exists. But I don't
>> think that it has ever been used.
> Yes it has been used, maybe indirectly, but it was definitely part
> of e.g. budget discussions for DC15.

Really it was the DPL that complained to you several times about
the budget.  Chairs (AFAIK, from public mails) just tried to explain
that to you.

And I find disturbing that you don’t listen DPL, that you still think
that conference dinner is far more important than Debian Developers.
So important, although you got the budget (so was it a veto? or
just ugly representation, which every person got different numbers
according the program choose to open that file?),
you forgot to book the restaurant on time. (or just a strategy to wait
the new DPL?)

Sorry, but there is some limits about what a bid team, local team,
global team and chairs can do. DebConf is still part of Debian and
it is done for Debian (and Debian people).

Nor it was a secret before the bid about priorities of budget
in Debian and DebConf, and nothing in the bid was against status
quo (and bid team really planed for a lot of people, you booked also
the alternate hostel. for who?)
And money and budget approval is always been a role of DPL (it
is a big amount of money).  By now I saw only fil to try to change
such thing.


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