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Re: [Debconf-team] [DC14] Portland team: historical cost comparison

On 03/18/2013 03:12 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:
> FWIW, looking this over I realize there was a mistake in the bid page: the
> $66/night listed for The Broadway was per-room, not per-person.  I've fixed
> this now in the wiki page.

Ah, okay, updated in the spreadsheet too.

> I'm not sure how the totals are arrived on the Comparison page; the numbers
> look low to me even without including the venue and other non-per-person
> costs.  Can you elaborate on the math here?

Venue rental for 4 days plus food for 4 days, divided by total attendees.

> For 200 people @ $20/day for food, $16,000 comes out to 4 days.  But that
> covers only the days talks are running, and we probably need to figure one
> additional day of food to cover the arrival/departure days, as well as
> breakfast on the day trip day and some costs (TBD) for food on the day trip.

Yes, that's the 4-day estimate from the "Food" tab. I'll change to a
7-day estimate instead, just to be on the safe side. Though, with so
many good cheap food options nearby, will people want to be eating at
the cafeteria for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day? I guess they
might if it's free.

I'll add a separate tab for the Day Trip when we have estimates for that.

> The room total I can't reverse-engineer at all.  $9840/$28 -> 351.43
> person-nights.  While not everyone who attends DebConf has sponsored
> accomodation costs, 351.43 person-nights @ 6 nights -> 58.57 people.  So I'm
> not sure what's going on there.  :-)

Those are venue room totals from the "Rooms" tab, not lodging room
totals. I've changed the spreadsheet to consistently use "venue" for
session/plenary rooms to be clearer. :)

> And for consistency with https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/PriceComparison, the
> "total spent" should at least include the known venue costs.

Yes. Do we need to include lodging rooms in the total base price? That
is, are we paying any fixed up-front amount for lodging, or is lodging
paid by attendees as they register (or once we decide if it's possible
to sponsor travel/lodging)?

I had already tweaked the projections to reflect venue reservation of
the large Ballroom for opening/closing plenaries only, so that change is
also in the attached updated spreadsheet. (The full-day price for the
Ballroom is still in the "Venue" tab for comparison.)


Attachment: debconf14_cost_comparison.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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