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Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 localteam meeting minutes 22/03/2012


On Sun, 1 Apr 2012 15:42:31 +0100, Moray Allan <moray@sermisy.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 4:03 AM, Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@gwolf.org> wrote:
> > I (and I think I'm talking for all of the long-running orga team)
> > prefer NOT to have this separation. I know every year's situations are
> > different, but maybe the point that put most stress in the DC11 cycle
> > was that -due to many reasons, not worth getting into the gory details
> > right now- we operated as a global team "overseeing" the work of a
> > local team - but at times, it seemed we were in competition, and the
> > lack of communication was often frustrated for both. We really would
> > prefer having no real boundary between locals and globals, at least to
> > the possible extent.
> Indeed.  Perhaps we need to ban the phrases "global team" and "local
> team".  They're useful shortcuts, but unfortunately have the wrong
> implications for people who don't already know how things are meant to
> work.  "Global team" is already meant to include everyone, but gets
> (mis)used to mean some controlling non-local group, and "local team"
> is already meant to mean members of the team who happen to be local,
> but leads people to think that this should be a separately organised
> team in itself.
> The intention is that "global <-> localteam relations" should be
> something like "body <-> respiratory system relations", not something
> like "overseeing" or "contractors".

As already said in my reply to Gunnars mail "overseeing" and
"contractors" were never the words I intended. 

While I agree that there should not be a distinct global team where the
"localteam" is not a part of. I think there will always be a distinct
local sub*team*. And to some degree we will have to build this as
separate team. For example non locals can hardly be present at our
face-to-face team meetings. And I strongly believe that this team (the
local subteam) benefits from another (more tightly knit) team
organization than the quite loosely organized global team.

But how this is best made to work to everybodys satisfaction is exactly
what I intend to discuss at the proposed BoF.


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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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