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[Debconf-team] Before opening the registration with Penta...


So, all of the changes I have received are done... Or so they seem to
be at least. Now, I wanted to check on some points with the rest of
you. The changes are already visible in cletus
(https://pentatest.debconf.org), although it is clearly NOT useful for
our general public.

As I said, I'm leaving on a mini-vacation this Monday, and returning
by Thursday, so if nobody says anything, I'll just push my changes
tomorrow night (UTC-5).

So here it goes, without any proper ordering and probably wrongly

- Until DC11, participant_category (that means basically being able to
  choose if a person will be fully sponsored for food and hotel)
  depended on the selected person_type. But person_type is quite an
  ambiguous field, so we split it in two: debian_role and
  debconf_role. Which should determine who can be sponsored? I think
  it should be debconf_role.

- Debian roles - I'm including the following, mainly aiming at getting
  numbers for statistics (nothing should be decided upon them):
  - Debian Developer
  - Debian Developer (non-uploading)
  - Debian Maintainer
  - Otherwise involved in Debian
  - Not yet involved but interested
  - Accompanying a Debian participant
  - None
  Do you agree with this? Am I missing anything? Should I squash any
  two (i.e. uploading and nonuploading DD)?

- DebConf roles: We _will_ use these for deciding some stuff. Am I
  missing anything? Is there anything that should not be there?
  - Regular attendee
  - Organizer
  - Volunteer
  - Sponsor
  - Press
  - Accompanying a DebConf participant
  - None

- Participant categories: This depends on getting some logistics
  sorted out mainly WRT food and lodging. I think we should offer a
  scheme similar to what we used in NYC:
  - Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
  - Basic; want sponsored accommodation
  - Basic; want sponsored food
  - Basic; want sponsored food and accommodation
  - Professional (cover the food+lodging costs - €300 for DC9, USD$650
    for DC10, €450 for DC11)
  - Corporate registration (€1000 for DC9, USD$1300 for DC10, €1000
    for DC11)

  Obviously, we need to set the numbers for professional and
  corporate. And we have to do it FAST (that is, before registration
  opens if possible!)

  And yes, "Basic, no sponsored food or accommodation" is equivalent
  to "Professional" (in the sense we don't pay anything for them), but
  we do handle registration logistics for professinoals and not for
  unsponsored basics. We might want to reduce them. Now, is there a
  reason we want to sponsor food OR accomodation but not both? We
  might prefer to flatten it to unsponsored / basic / professional /

- Any restrictions to choose participant category. IMO, and
  approximately following past practices, people choosing DebConf
  roles "Sponsor", "Press", "Acompanying" or "None" should not be able
  to choose any of the sponsored options (only unsponsored,
  professional or corporate).

- Available food preferences. Again, please comment if this sounds
  right, missing, redundant.
  - No dietary restrictions
  - Vegetarian
  - Vegan (strict vegetarian)
  - Other (contact organizers)
  - Not eating with the group

- Available accomodation options. Local guys, given we are staying on
  three hotels, do you think there should be anything we offer to
  choose from, or should we just let luck decide who gets which kind
  of accomodation? The most basic options are what we had last year:
  - Regular room
  - I will arrange my own accomodation

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