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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] About BoF scheduled not on time

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 07:56:09AM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
> So, let's say that _you're_ on the video team, having pointed a camera a
> few times, and directed once or twice, and you've just come up with a
> really exciting idea for a BoF at short notice, and you simply _know_
> that the group of folks that are attending are going to say stupendous
> and reality changing things, and that it would be an awful shame to
> exclude the 1/3rd of your project that are not at DebConf from
> witnessing the event.
> Do you decide to say "yes" to yourself, or not?
> (Even if you are made of sterner stuff than most of the rest of us, do
> you trust an idiot like me to say "no"?  ;-)  )

What if someone like Micah or Eric bothers to make the system refuse to work at
a technical level except for talks scheduled pre-conference? :-) [If they have
the time and motivation of course. Human self-discipline is still my preferred

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

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