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Re: [Debconf-team] Global team meeting minutes, 25 June 2009

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:41:25PM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> 4. an3as works on preparing the openday-track talk schedule and
>    getting talks signed up for it

I just want to confirm this task - soory for not beeing able to
attend the meeting.  Technical question: Last year there was
a completely separate scheduling mechanism.  Is there any need
to do so this year?  Given the fact that Debian Open Day is
in the middle of DebConf we should just schedule it as any
other day but fill it with events marked "DebianDay".  Is this

> 5. gwolf and tassia also work on preparing the openday-track talk
>    schedule and getting talks signed up for it

If my question above is answered yes gwolf and tassia should
become members of the scheduling team (and I would be happy
to see them in ;-))

> Thanks everyone!

Thanks fro the summary



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