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Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-team] Debian Kids Camp for DebConf-next


2012/7/18 Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@gwolf.org>:

> I think this proposal is important and might bring many people to
> DebConf who would not attend otherwise, or might allow some parents in
> Debian to spend more vacation time with their family, which leads to a
> happy Debian corpus, and is great. Even more in the setting of Le
> Camp, which is perfect for that

Barcelona FC has a kids camp were they train next football players,
Messi, Guardiola, Xavi, Iniesta, etc.. all of them come from 'La
Masia'. Nowadays those are best footballers in the world. Why can
Debian do the same? Well, just for a week... maybe if few years Debian
is best OS in the world... oops, maybe we are already there but we
need to keep it up. :-)

> However, I fear the effort might be too hard, and -want it or not-
> part of it will fall upon the shoulder of the DC13 locals. This time,
> also, there are no "locals" in the strict sense of the term. Also,
> being it Switzerland, I fear that saying we will have a childcare-like
> activity, we have to take care of the legal issues.

Thanks for the note, that's something to look up. That's why it is
important to start early.

> Also, from a more practical side: It would be great to have somebody
> giving activities to the kids. Regina and I were part of a Scouts-like
> non-formal education group, and we were both "guides" of children. She
> even told me she could be in such a team. However... What about
> language barriers? Can a Spanish-and-English-only speaker provide
> activities to a German-speaking five year old child?

I am not an educator myself, but discussing about it during some
dinner, there are work arounds for language barriers, they can all be
set to locale C... I mean they can use pics to describe things and
other methods that educators might be able to describe.

> What about age differences? We do have several parents in the group
> who can be interested in this, but maybe not enough to have a large
> enough group of children of compatible ages.

That's also something we need to plan ahead, that's why starting early
its important. Making a note on it.

> About accomodation: Not counting camping, we have space for 325 people
> in Le Camp. Being in Central Europe, it is not impossible that we get
> that number of attendees. Can we dare to provide lodging, possibly
> against our desired attendance?

Was there a possibility to camp outdoors? That might help lowering the
threshold here. Also making a note.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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