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Re: New website translations


webmasters, please read the text below.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 04:48:12PM +1030, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> I have checked out the webwml directory using SVN (btw, the howto for  
> translating webpages still says you have to use CVS), but found I can't 
> create a "vietnamese" directory:

Oops, sorry, there is something wrong:

The source is indeed still contained in a CVS repository. You're right,
it's possible that there exists also a Subversion repository but IIRC it was
created only as test platform to convert existing files to Subversion. Don't
use this SVN repository!

According to http://www.debian.org/devel/website/using_cvs the current one is:

So just do (as long as you have no write access):
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml login
  (now press enter)
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml checkout webwml

You can also use a graphical CVS client for this.

This repository contains already a vietnamese/ directory as the Lenny
announcement is already committed.

> so I must not have write access for webwml. Could you please give it to 
> me? I already have it for D-I and (at least some) docs. I use the SSH key 
> logged with alioth under "clytie-guest".

Right, you do not have write access yet. Since I know you well, I will
confirm that you should get an account. Nevertheless according to
you also need the approval of one of the webmasters (CC:ed).
Webmasters, please grant Clytie write access for Vietnamese website translations.
As far as I know her, you should expect a fully translation ready in
approximately a week :-)))

I suggest to contact one of our webmaster such as Matt Kraai or Frank
Lichtenheld via private mail so that they help you sending an encrypted
password to Joey. I know that you do not work on a Debian Linux host and may
not have a PGP key to encrypt mails (such as me currently).


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