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Re: Adding ispell and wordlist policy reference in developers corner

Josip Rodin wrote:

One thing I'd also explain is that Javier is asking (and I support this)
that you put the canonical source of the dict/spell policy on the Debian CVS
server. This doesn't mean modifying a makefile to copy both on SF and in
the Debian web site, it means basing yourself on this CVS tree.

I was just to ask about this. The problem is that there is no independent canonical source for the policy document, since it is part of the sources of the dictionaries-common package and is generated from it and included in the dictionaries-common-dev package.

When the project started, debian cvs was not as is now, and that made people choose sourceforge. I am aware that for consistency reasons, at some time we should migrate the project to the debian cvs, mainly now that the policy is official, but I think it is still too early, since we still maintain there some apt-getable woody new policy stuff, even mixed with the very last experimental things. I would prefer doing that migration after the new policy has been implemented in a stable release so there are lower needs.

Arguably, SF provides nicer facilities for maintaining stuff. However, we do
have CVS access via CVS and HTTP, and the people listed as authors are all
developers so they already have access.

But there are other people in the project that are still not DD, although they are no policy authors. We should also migrate mailing lists and really not many things more. We do not use neither the sf release facilities nor their bug tracking mechanism, but we would need some space with group write permission, so any of us can update the apt repository. No need for additional release mechanisms, since we maintain the apt-get'able repository through a script we wrote for that through an ssh connection.


Javi, should I keep on cc'ing you?

Agustin Martin Domingo, Dpto. de Fisica, ETS Arquitectura Madrid,
(U. Politecnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554,
email:agmartin@aq.upm.es, http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

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