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Re: Graphic Equalizer for Sound

On 01/05/24 at 18:21, Richmond wrote:

I am using a web browser to play Youtube and Spotify.

I got into a real mess with this, as my bluetooth speakers stopped
working, "Bluetooth connect failed: br-connection-profile-unavailable"
and then when I removed pipewire I lost all sound completely. I have it
working again now by trial and error.

I know nothing about bluetooth speakers but if pipewire is not a viable solution for you, you could try to install "libasound2-plugin-equal" and "alsamixergui" packages then makes changes to your ~/.asoundrc accordingly to what's explained in the README:

~$ less /usr/share/doc/libasound2-plugin-equal/README

then you can run the ALSA equalizer with the following command:

~$ alsamixergui -D equal

maybe other readers may have a better solution.


Franco Martelli

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