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Re: Play VCD on computer

On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 03:37:38PM +1100, Steve Kieu wrote:
| > > 
| > > Yep -- xine.  Works great thought the picture is a
| > bit small, but
| > > don't use esd for sound (very choppy when I tried
| > it).  (I should also
| > > mention that I only tried it once on one vcd)
| > 
| > I use mplayer. Very sweet xv accelerated fullscreen
| > output.
Interestingly enough, an apt-cache search for vcd only shows xine.

| I had no luck with xine the latest version. Ealier
| version got problem too, only play the first track and
| jump to the end in one vcd, I suspect the quality of
| the disk, but mplayer plays just fine.
| I think, xine has a long way to go.

I only played the beginning of one show.  It was more of a
demo/experiment than anything else.  A co-worker had a vcd with
something on it, but no vcd player on his win2k machine.  I did an
apt-cache search, install, and voila, there was the movie playing
(rather) nicely :-).



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... Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You
would have to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the car
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could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

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