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xterm / rxvt question about metakeys

 I don't know if this is the right place to ask for, but I try, I
apolollize if I'm asking on the wrong place.

 I'm triying to run an old DOS app thought dosemu inside a rxvt term,
all of this using vnc (viewer are WinX machines and Debian Sid ones),
but I have one problem..

 First of all characters are not displayed well, I mean the one used
for making panels and so on, that could be because I use rxvt instead
of dosemu -X, but dosemu -X don't run trought vnc, I don't know why.
 The second, and more important, problem is that, that old app, use a
key combo (Alt+F2) to access one menu, but if I try to make the combo
I get no reaction from the app as answer, I mean that the app not open
the menu its supposed to open.

 Reading the rxvt man I found a way to activate the 8bit of the key
secuences .. but that does not run at all ...

 Have someone any clue on how to resolve that?, I need it to run in
the time we will spend in porting the app to Linux/KDE

 thx in advance.
   _                                                                   _        
  // Raúl A. Betancort Santana    /> A Dream is an answer to      __   \\       
 // <rabs@dimension-virtual.com> // question that we don't know  (oo)   \\      
// Dimensión Virtual S.L.       //  how to ask.                 / \/ \  //      
\> A Linux Solution Provider   </                               `V__V' </       

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