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Re: A possible approach in "solving" the FDL problem

On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 09:39:40AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> The reason I mentioned the FDL in the subject of this thread is binary:
> * first of all, it would give us a clear opinion, as a group, on how
> documents are to be handled. I, personally, felt there was a gap there,
> and that that was the reason there was so much discussion about the
> subject; because some people say "the FDL can't be free, since the rules
> of the DFSG imply it isn't", whereas other people say "That doesn't
> matter, since the DFSG is about software, not documentation". Having a
> clear policy about documentation would most certainly stop that
> discussion.

These people are insane. Ignore them. They are, thankfully, low in

It is a moderately regular occurrance on -legal that somebody tries
the "Ah, but they're only *Guidelines*, so this [blatantly non-free
thing] can go in" argument. Consider what the effect would be if we
applied your reasoning to this case, and why we do not want to do so.

> * Secondly, having rules that clearly define what documentation must
> oblige to to be free would give us a strong base to discuss the issue
> with the FSF. Right now, we're saying to the FSF "it isn't free, since
> the rules of the DFSG imply it isn't", where they say "yeah, but this is
> documentation, not software". Being essentially the same discussion,
> having a strong base would have different results, in that it might
> convince some people of the FSF to craft a free FDL.

When discussing licensing issues with the FSF, we must never argue
from the DFSG, because that argument is only convincing if the FSF
also subscribes to the DFSG - which they don't.

What we have actually been saying to the FSF is "The FDL has all these

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