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Re: New repo and some fixes for Gophernicus

On Sun, 28 Jan 2018, Kim Holviala wrote:

On 28 Jan 2018, at 21:18, David Woodfall <dave@dawoodfall.net> wrote:

      About your domain

I don't have the username/password for the domain hosting company because
all of the copies and backups of all my passwords were confiscated, and I
don't have the email address that I used to register the domain because that
too was confiscated along with the server that runs the domain and the
emails. So I can't reset any of the passwords either...

So no, there is pretty much no way to get any of my previous 25 years back,
I had to start everything form scratch.

... and I'm still laughing :D

Are there any other ways you can authenticate yourself to the registrar?

David Griffith

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