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Re: Tracking XFree86 CVS on a Potato system

Dear Seth,

Thank you very much for your advice.

SA> You can indeed build Branden's packages for potato, but Charl P. Botha
SA> has done this already!

I am aware of Charl's packages.

The issue is that I want to *litterally* track XFree86 CVS.  I want to
be able to say ``cvs diff'' when I'm working on XFree86.

Unless someone has better ideas, then, I guess I'll install Charl's
packages and then overwrite them with my own binaries (compiled from a
checked out CVS source tree).

SA> But, if you are truly making this a development box, why not go
SA> all out, and run woody, what with its often updates to everything?

It's a devel box, which is exactly why it needs to run a stable
distribution :-)

(When I see a bug in XFree86, I want to be fairly certain it's an
XFree86 bug, not a but in some other package.)



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