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Re: New deb mother tongue?

* Robin Rowe <rower@MovieEditor.com> [2002-08-14 10:49]:
> Alfie,

 Please don't Cc: me off list unless I request it.  I track the lists I
am posting to, thank you.

> What do you think I should infer from the above as the reason Portugese is
> displayed when it is not specified as a country or language in the browser?

 Because your Browser seems to add * to the Accept-Language header.
That's a PITA but it's the way it is.  So your final request header
looked something like this:

Accept-Language: en-us, *

 If you request * you get any page -- in that case it was portugese.

> Why do you think a setting of en-us (only) should return Portugese?

 Because your browser thinks he knows better what you want.

> And, why should debian.org be the only site where this occurs?

 Because debian.org is more or less the only site that uses
Content-Negotiation.  There aren't many pages that use that feature,
unfortunately.  If there were, we wouldn't have to answer the same
boring questions over and over again :-(

> Note that I have not ignored Debian's warning about adding country
> extensions to the browser settings. In fact, I hadn't changed anything. What
> we're talking about is a common default configuration for browsers, that is,
> en-us only.

 Well, and that common default configuration disrespects the content
negotiation handling.  Go and blame your browser producer, not debian.
Thanks for the attention.

> P.S. If you have a point it was well concealed within your unprovoked
> personal attack.

 It was not meant as personal attack.  If you take every question as a
personal attack you should get some more self confidence.  Sorry for
made you feel that way.  The point is still: Your browser defaults stink
and are broken.  There's no need to blame us for that.

 Have a nice day,
Debian trennt strikt zwischen stable, unstable und testing releases, so daß
Du entscheiden kannst, ob Du auf den Gegner, Deinen Fuß oder beide Füße
gleichzeitig schießen willst.
                   -- Robin S. Socha in <deathsquad.877kqrhpju.fsf@socha.net>

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