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Re: please remove yaboot-howto from CVS

* Colin Walters <walters@debian.org> [2002-02-25 13:44]:
> Ethan wants to become upstream; why, I'm not exactly sure.  Chris and I
> have more or less agreed to let him do this.

 Ah yes, Ethan was that person, right.  I couldn't remember his name and
was too lazy to check my mailboxes for it :)    I thought at that time
that Ethan is responsible for yaboot itself and Chris for the howto -
but I don't know about what they discussed in the meantime.

> He asked me to ask for him; he sometimes has trouble phrasing requests
> in a people-friendly manner.

 Thanks for that clearification, was just a little be puzzled by another
person jumping in that I simply didn't know yet (in that context, that

> I'm not sure what you mean by "my" packaged version; The only thing I've
> done so far is to tar up the current CVS versions and send them to Ethan
> (despite the fact he could have done this himself).  I did include the
> German translation; there weren't any others I saw.

 Were they combined in a single sgml file yet?  I guess someone could do
a script that extracts the sgml version from the CVS and generate the
pages from that - I don't like to see them disapear from the webpage,
there are good reasons to have them there.

 So, could you give us a hint where the CVS version is so someone could
work on that script to get it from there?

 And, a personal thing: Could you keep in mind to inform me when the
english version of the howto is changed so I can update the translation?
Would be great if it could be done in a webwml translation-check diff
form that is easy to watch, but I could do that myself if I'm informed
of changes and told the cvs repository.

 Have fun,
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