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Re: please remove yaboot-howto from CVS

* Colin Walters <walters@debian.org> [2002-02-24 15:14]:
> The upstream maintainer of yaboot doesn't want the yaboot-howto
> (english/ports/powerpc/inst/yaboot-howto.sgml) to be maintained in the
> Debian CVS; he'd rather do it himself.

 To what I was informed the upstream maintainer of the howto is the one
who checked it in :)  Chris Tillman did that file and I know that he is
in contact with the maintainer of yaboot itself to work this out.  I
don't know if you were informed of this and if your wish is a result of
that talk.

 I personally would rather like to see this request coming directly from
either the yaboot maintainer himself (I once received a mail from him
when I talked with Chris about this topic so I know that he can mail
himself) - or from Chris, who has cvs write access himself and doesn't
have to request it on the list but can remove it himself.

 Please, too many cooks spoil the broth - that doesn't work out well.

>  I've tarred up the current
> version and translations and set them to him; could someone please
> remove them from our CVS?

 So why not replace it first with your packaged version, then?  Does it
include the german translation I've provided, btw.?

 So long,
<Angel`Eye> installations anleitung für intelx86 richtig ?
<Salz> Angel`Eye: Kommt auf deinen Rechner an. Wenn du die Antwort nicht weiß,
       ist sie ja.
                                        -- #debian.de

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