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Re: [nm-admin] Weakly Report


Since my mail is related to our web pages, I add -www list as cc:.

In <Pine.LNX.3.96.1000217143054.621A-100000@dwarf>,
 at Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 18:08:54 +0000 (GMT),
  on Subject: [nm-admin] Weakly Report,
   Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> Taketoshi Sano has been getting down to work on the web page for the "New
> Maintainer Corner", and it sounds like he will be ready, whenever we get
> our materials completed.

I have tried to create the outline of proposed pages. I will upload
and it into <http://www.debian.org/~sano/newmaint/newmaint> with 
the .wml files.

I plan to put a new newmaint.wml into devel/ directory of our main
www tree, and create nmadmin subdirectory in devel/, which has
the proceedings.wml and others (step1.wml, step2.wml, ...).

So the proposed addition is:

 ./(TOP directory in cvs, namely webwml/english)
        /newmaint.wml (the entrance page for "New Maintainers' Corner")
        /nmadmin/ (subdirectory)
                /proceedings.wml (the "CheckList"/"Process description" page)
                /step1.wml (the extended description for Step 1)
                /step2.wml (same for Step 2)

I am not going to commit them into cvs until we (NM AM team) define
the whole process, but I think a kind of sample implementation may
be useful to get the better output.

> Oliver Elphick has offered to put together the DBMS back end to support the
> web pages data input and data display components. It sounds like the
> interface will be PHP, which is good. (Source Forge uses PHP, for
> instance, so we could port the system there if we needed to.)
> Darren Benham agreed to do something with an Applicant's FAQ, to cover the
> bases of what to do if the application process fails, and who to contact
> if your normal contact goes away. I expect this to grow to contain details
> that aren't available in any of our other documents. This should also be
> incorporated into the web pages.

I wish to the links to them; Oliver's cgi (PHP) pages for "Status Board"
and "Application Submit Form" is essential for our web interfaces. And
Darren's "FAQ page" is useful for Applicants.

By the way, I wish to consult the integration of these pages
into main www tree with the webadmin team.

# This topic may be continued on -www list.

There are two point I wish to change:

  1) Currently, the top page <http://www.debian.org/> shows the link to
"Contact Us" page at the left navbar. And at the bottom line of
that "Contact Us" page shows the link to "complete list of maintainer contacts",
which is devel/maintainer_contacts file.

As I pointed out before, this page shows the following list:

      Developer Related Jobs: 
         New Maintainers -- <new-maintainer@debian.org> 
              member Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org> 
              member James Troup <james@nocrew.org> 

I think we should change the name here to Dale Scheetz, since he wrote
that he receives the mails sent to <new-maintainer@debian.org>. 

I think this change can be done before we (NM AM) define the whole process.

  2) the "Developers' Corner" (devel/index) shows the link to
"Joining Debian" (devel/help) page at the left navbar.

I wish to change the text in that page (help.wml) to match the current 
status, and integrate the new maintainer related part of that page to 
the new "New Maintainers' Corner" we will add.

Current content in that page (as .wml) is:

 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
#use wml::debian::template title="How You Can Help"

<P>Debian Project consists of volunteers, and our products are developed
entirely by volunteers. We are generally looking for new developers who
have some technical knowledge, an interest in free software, and some free
time. If you haven't already, you should read through most of the web pages
to get a better understanding of what we are trying to do.
Pay particular attention to the
<A HREF="../social_contract#guidelines">Debian Free Software Guidelines</A>
in our
<A HREF="../social_contract">Social Contract</A>.

<P>You should <A HREF="../support#mail_lists">subscribe</A> to the
debian-devel mailing list and read it for a while (along with
debian-devel-announce, debian-news, and similar) and look at the
<A HREF="../doc/prospective-packages.html">Work-Needing and Prospective
Packages</A> list to see what packages need maintainers. Taking over
someone else's package is the best way to start out as a developer as
you can learn from what the previous maintainer has already done.

<P>Finally, if you see an area that you can help out, read the
<A HREF="../doc/packaging-manuals/developers-reference/">Developer's
Reference</A> for instructions on how to join Debian. If you're still
in the queue for becoming an official developer, check out our
<A HREF="http://www.internatif.org/bortzmeyer/debian/sponsor/";>sponsorship
 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

I think the first paragraph is OK to keep it. 2nd paragraph may be
better to be revised in order to emphasize the importance of the
debian-devel-announce list, since the list becomes now "essential"
list for Debian members.

And I would like to add the task other than packaging here,
such as documentation/web maintainance/translation(i18n/l10n)/
testing/debug(qa)/publicity/legal support, or so.

3rd paragrash is needed to be revised after we add the new
"New Maintainers' Corner" in order to refer that.

How do you think ?


  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>

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