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Re: "Debian women may leave due to 'sexist' post"

2008/12/29 Peter Tuhársky <tuharsky@misbb.sk>:
> I'm not impressed. I know enough women that understood the difference
> between men and women, and happily let their husbands to fix things, install
> new devices into houshold and so on, instead of attempting to do it
> themselve. They all got there by their own experience, not by outside
> pressure. Generally, men are more into technology, although there are always
> exceptions in both sides. And You'd be surprised, I also change nappies if
> necessarry.

Lets do something: I won't tell you what you have to do, and what you
can or can't do, and you don't tell me what I have to do. Seriously,
and please don't take this wrong, I don't think you're qualified
enough to make a sociological analysis of what women are like, so
unless you provide references to support what you're saying, I cannot
take your words seriously (further than meaning that you're happy with
the current statu quo and want to maintain it, of course).

The sentence "I know enough women that understood the difference
between men and women, and happily let their husbands to fix things"
was really funny, I had a good laugh at its expense, thanks :)

> That said, I won't oppose women to choose a job they like, however if this
> goes into extremes, such as woman WILLINGLY fighting for the right for
> digging into mine, then the only answer to such insanity is to expect equal
> work results from her. There is no sanctuary in positive discrimination,
> because that usually means negative discrimination of others.

Heh, I don't think any of us is asking you permission to choose
whatever job we want, but thanks anyway :)

I'm not exactly sure of what your work results are exactly, or your
contributions to Debian or Free Software, but I'm pretty sure that no
one is expecting less results from me, or from any of the other female
developers in Debian, or in Free Software in general. Is there any
reason why you brought this topic here, anything that might make you
think that our work is of less quality than yours, that I might be

> I would like the society to be more polite to the pregnant and nursing women
> especially, however, won't take the cheap feminist self-excuses either. The
> workplace and social legislative is screwed at all (at least here where I
> live), not only for women.

I would like the society to be more polite to all women, and to
everybody in general, thanks :)

I'm almost sure that this last paragraph has some subtle innuendo
embedded which I'm not really sure to be able to decipher, so I cannot
comment any more on that.


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