Re: Remove News section from the website?
* Meike Reichle <> [2007:12:07 11:37 +0100]:
> Erinn: Yes, we talked about this, and the suggestions/plans I made where
> pretty much exactly the same as the ones you gave in the last mail, Ana.
> However, to my shame I have to admit that I didn't do it yet :(
> On the bright side I finished my university degree in August and got a
> job/PhD position that challenges me and makes me happy. Still, world
> domination won't come of its own volition, so I guess a return to more
> d-w work is in order!
> Now, the last time I touched the d-w websites it was all bazaar and wml.
> Erinn, or somebody else: Could you give me an update on the current
> infrastructure, dos and don'ts? I'll get to the site redo right this
> weekend then.
I moved it to svn some time after DC7. There are some details here:
I checked alioth and you have commit access. It's still using wml but
it's pretty straightforward (or so I remember).
Also, there is a script that runs once per day (via cron) on the host of
the website (rietz.d.o) and automatically rebuilds the website. I can
set it up to rebuild more often if there are people committing to the
As for testing the website yourself, you can do it with this:
make BASE="" DESTDIR="/path/to/sumfin"
make install BASE="" DESTDIR="/path/to/sumfin"
Lemme know if you have any problems.
off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide
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