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Re: Pre-RFA : lifelines, geneweb and poedit packages

Quoting Almut Behrens (almut-behrens@gmx.net):

> I'd generally be interested in that kind of thing.  I've just briefly
> glanced over
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=shadow  and
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=pkg-shadow-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org

Good idea. IMHO, the best thing to do for you is subscribing to the
team mailing list:

> Is there anything else I might want to have a look at (list archives,
> todo lists, etc.) to get a better idea of what needs to be done and the
> current status in general?  Also, with the BTS, I'm not always entirely
> clear on the status of the bugs, e.g. who's the "taker" -- if there's
> no "owned by", does that mean that no one is working on it currently? 
> (-> in http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer I find "In cases where the
> person responsible for fixing a bug is not the assigned maintainer for
> the associated package (for example, when the package is maintained by
> a team), it may be useful to record this fact in the bug tracking
> system. To help with this, each bug may optionally have an owner"...).

We started to assign owners for bugs but indeed the bug triage is not
finished and is even stopped a little bit now : the main task is doing
some triage on Debian specific patches, then submit them to upstream
(who's subscribed to our mailing list) in order to prepare the Big
Resync : jump from 4.0.3 we have in Debian to 4.0.9 (or 4.0.10) which
is upstream version. The goal is to minimize the Debian specific
patches as much as possible....

So, the bug triage is currently stalled, though a lot of analysis has
already been done on the most important bugs.

>> As I haven't been very active here for quite some time, here's a
> short recap of my background: I've been fiddling with computers and
> other technical stuff for about as long as I can think back, and I
> professionally work as a software developer for almost a decade now. 
> Yet, that doesn't mean I would have any experience with things anyone
> contributing to debian should be familiar with.  I guess I might need
> a bit of hand holding here...  So far, I've been a mere debian _user_.
> Also, I generally don't have a lot of time, so, a project where I can
> contribute 'loosely' without being the only one responsible sounds good
> to me.  To be fair, I should mention that long-term reliability and
> dedication unfortunately don't belong to my virtues.  If that's not a
> big problem, I'd be happy to help out, if I can.  If you happen to
> prefer more trustworthy folks, that's okay with me, too :)

Well, then shadow seems appropriate for you. The team is already
including 4 people, including me, plus Tomasz Klockzko, the upstream
maintainer. This leaves room for more people, undoubtfully and allows
some of us to spend time working on the package when they have time to
waste...and just forget about it at other moments..:-)

> Merci beaucoup,

Y'a pas de quoi..:-)

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