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Re: IRC Meetings

> way to both find people and find projects to do good stuff :) I brought up
> at some point the possibility of bringing on some of the Malaysian women I

Translation efforts could be a good entry point. We currently have no
translation effort in Malay while we have a good one in Bahasa
Indonesia, Tagalog (for Philippines) and some Vietnamese (probably
with the first women I will record as translation coordinator).

This, even if all first contacts I had for these languages told me
"but everyone here uses English when doing computing". After initial
talks, I managed to convince people that while this may be true for
the people already working in IT, this is for sure less true for the
average people in the given countries...and completely wrong in

So, I'd really enjoy to see a translation effort start in Malay and
even more enjoy if it is lead by some women...

(I did not mention Thai among the languages in that region because
Thai is a big challenge for rendering, indeed....)

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