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2X1 en campañas de e-mail, ¡Paga solo la primera! Ahorra 240€ en tu seguro de salud Donde sea que te encuentres accede a TODOS tus contactos Mira todo lo que traen los Reyes para tu negocio Puede ayudarte en tus propósitos del 2k18 ¿Todavia no has probado esta herramienta? AW: Domainname Bug#483479: marked as done (O: ddccontrol -- a program to control monitor parameters) Bug#483480: marked as done (O: ddccontrol-db -- monitor database for ddccontrol) Bug#543296: Still interested in packaging? Bug#547671: new website Bug#565925: Bug#597196: ITP: neuron -- simulation environment for computational models of (networks of ) neurons Bug#628062: RFH: freeipmi Bug#633348: marked as done (RFP: touchpad-indicator -- An indicator to show the status of the touchpad) Bug#672699: RFP: spectrum2 -- XMPP transport/gateway Bug#677845: ITP: r-cran-devtools -- Tools to make developing R code easier Bug#677845: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-devtools -- Tools to make developing R code easier) Bug#681576: marked as done (RFP: non-daw -- a powerful, reliable and fast modular Digital Audio Workstation system) Bug#691424: marked as done (RFP: vegastrike -- 3D action-space-sim allowing player to trade and bounty hunt in a vast universe) Bug#692512: marked as done (ITP: tilde -- a text editor for the console/terminal with) Bug#693307: marked as done (RFP: ly2video -- generating videos from LilyPond projects) Bug#693451: marked as done (RFP: pycessing -- python based educational programming environment like processing) Bug#693616: marked as done (RFP: textadept -- fast, minimalist, and Lua extensible cross-platform text editor) Bug#693957: marked as done (RFP: opencats -- Applicant Tracking System) Bug#694639: marked as done (RFP: force-leashed -- first person gravity fiddler) Bug#694640: marked as done (RFP: smoking-guns -- first person Western style shooter) Bug#694649: marked as done (RFP: jupiter-applet -- lightweight power and hardware control applet) Bug#694701: marked as done (RFP: puzzle-moppet -- serenely peaceful yet devilishly challenging 3D puzzle game) Bug#694767: marked as done (RFP: ncxeditor -- editor and simulator for NXT robot) Bug#694865: marked as done (RFP: gpass -- The password manager for GNOME2) Bug#694966: marked as done (RFP: vdrift -- driving simulation) Bug#694967: marked as done (RFP: stunt-rally -- racing game) Bug#695051: marked as done (RFP: jdivelog -- open source logbook for scuba divers) Bug#695277: marked as done (RFP: emacs-websocket -- elisp library for communication between websocket clients and servers) Bug#695987: marked as done (RFP: stanbol -- Apache Stanbol components for semantic content management) Bug#696237: marked as done (RFP: ppub -- A simple epub reader written using python, gtk3 and webkit.) Bug#711038: marked as done (ITP: pyraf -- Python interface for IRAF) Bug#712830: dump1090 Bug#719549: Request for adopting the package Bug#730429: marked as done (RFP: ddrutility -- Data recovery utilities for gnuddrescue) Bug#730987: marked as done (O: sound-icons -- sounds for speech enabled application) Bug#732011: O: gyrus -- GNOME tool for Cyrus-IMAP servers administration Bug#734117: marked as done (ITP: python-check-manifest -- tool to check the completeness of for Python packages) Bug#736484: PING Bug#739860: marked as done (ITP: libtoxcore -- easy to use all-in-one communication) Bug#740793: marked as done (O: x-tile -- tile selected windows in different ways) Bug#748834: Silex EOL Bug#753271: marked as done (ITA: py-radix -- radix tree implementation for storage of IPv4 and IPv6 networks) Bug#753350: ITP: youtube-dl-gui -- a graphical frontend for youtube-dl Bug#777089: Blocked by other ITPs Bug#777089: If there is no response in debian-python then debian-science might be the right team (Was: Packaging python-aws-xray-sdk to fullfil a dependency for python-moto) Bug#777089: Next python-mote pre-condition - issue with pybuild: python-backports.tempfile conflicting python-backports.weakref Bug#777089: Next python-mote pre-condition test issue: python-jsondiff trows ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nose_random' Bug#777089: Packaging python-aws-xray-sdk to fullfil a dependency for python-moto Bug#777089: Please help with test suite error and installation problem of python-aws-xray-sdk (Was: If there is no response in debian-python then debian-science might be the right team) Bug#779970: update Bug#780606: Bug#792101: Done / Not Done Bug#785480: Expanding interest in bcg729 Bug#785522: marked as done (RFP: ortp -- Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) stack) Bug#787774: [Pkg-javascript-devel] Looking for help Re: Bug#787774: RFP: libjs-openpgp -- OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation (OpenPGP.js) Bug#787774: Looking for help Re: Bug#787774: RFP: libjs-openpgp -- OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation (OpenPGP.js) Bug#790343: marked as done (RFP: lua-udev -- udev library for the Lua language) Bug#793057: ITP: godot -- open source MIT licensed game engine Bug#794245: Reclaiming RFP as package is ready for upload Bug#797535: vmpk status Bug#798954: marked as done (ITA: fet -- timetable generator) Bug#803473: RFP: purple-facebook -- Plugin for pidgin to support new facebook chat Bug#807275: RFP: libjs-converse -- XMPP chat client running in the web browser Bug#809109: marked as done (O: monkeystudio -- Qt 4 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)) Bug#811377: fixed in sysvinit 2.88dsf-59.9 Bug#816713: ITP: pytest-flask -- Py.test plugin for testing Python Flask applications Bug#818113: marked as done (RFP: python-paho-mqtt -- Eclipse Paho MQTT Python client library) Bug#819649: Proposal Bug#822246: marked as done (ITP: qt5ct -- Qt5 configuration tool) Bug#824716: ITP: mshr -- generates simplicial DOLFIN meshes in 2D and 3D Bug#826428: ITA: gcompris-qt -- Educational games for small children - Qt rewrite Bug#826582: marked as done (RFP: hippomocks -- Single-header mocking C++ framework) Bug#826916: marked as done (ITA: gnubik -- Rubik's cube game) Bug#829505: marked as done (ITP: mbpfan -- A simple daemon to control fan speed on all Macbook/Macbook Pros for Linux) Bug#831718: marked as done (O: gvrng -- Interactive, introductory programming language) Bug#833512: marked as done (ITA: kcheckers -- Checkers boardgame) Bug#834145: marked as done (ITP: wafw00f -- Identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF)) Bug#834756: ITP: powershell -- scripting language interpreter built on .NET Bug#834756: license Bug#835415: marked as done (ITP: rtklib -- Real Time Kinematic and other advanced GPS positioning techniques) Bug#835938: marked as done (ITP: network-manager-fortisslvpn -- Fortigate SSL VPN plugin for NetworkManager) Bug#836408: ITP: jquery-caret.js -- library to query input caret position Bug#840257: marked as done (ITP: mali-driver -- Mali GPU binary drivers) Bug#840626: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-eapache-go-xerial-snappy -- Xerial-compatible Snappy framing support for golang) Bug#841018: marked as done (ITP: citation-style-language-styles -- Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles) Bug#841019: marked as done (ITP: citation-style-language-locales -- Citation Style Language (CSL) citation locales) Bug#841047: marked as done (RFP: r-hms-dbmi-spp -- GNU R package for processing ChIP-seq & other functional sequencing data) Bug#847411: marked as done (O: gnome-btdownload -- GNOME interface for executing BitTorrent files) Bug#847427: marked as done (ITP: android-toolchain-jack -- Java Android Compiler Kit) Bug#848674: marked as done (O: f3 -- test real flash memory capacity) Bug#848674: O: f3 -- test real flash memory capacity Bug#850251: marked as done (ITP: node-is-npm -- Check if your code is running as an npm script) Bug#850399: marked as done (ITP: node-cli-boxes -- Boxes for use in the terminal) Bug#851186: Hello Friend. Bug#851186: marked as done (ITA: cligh -- Command-line interface to GitHub) Bug#851187: ITA: pygithub -- Access the full Github API v3 from Python3 Bug#851187: ITA: Pygithub -- Access the full Github API v3 from Python3 Bug#851639: ITP: alacritty -- A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator Bug#851806: marked as done (ITP: libmseed2 -- seed (Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data) data records manipulation library) Bug#854018: marked as done (ITP: node-is-npm -- Check if your code is running as an npm script) Bug#854422: marked as done (ITP: multitime -- an to time which runs a command multiple times and gives detailed stats) Bug#854422: Packaged and waiting in NEW Bug#854439: also required for npm 5.x and yarnpkg Bug#854503: marked as done (ITP: node-strict-uri-encode -- A stricter URI encode adhering to RFC 3986) Bug#855666: peek debian packaging? Bug#855887: marked as done (ITP: todoman -- A simple CalDAV-based todo manager) Bug#858395: marked as done (O: perlpanel -- lean menu and launcher panel written in Perl and Gtk2) Bug#859130: Bug#883702: marked as done (RFS: lina/5.3.0-1 ( #859130 ITP: lina -- iso-compliant Forth interpreter and compiler )) Bug#861174: RFP: elpa-elpy -- Emacs Python Development Environment Bug#862117: marked as done (ITP: ignition-math3 -- A small, fast, and high performance math library (v3)) Bug#862464: marked as done (O: lcrt -- graphic Linux remote login tool) Bug#862698: marked as done (ITP: minecraft-installer -- Unofficial way to easily install game) Bug#862873: RFA: vblade-persist Bug#862963: Update for sql-ledger ITA Bug#863105: marked as done (ITP: minecraft-installer -- Unofficial way to easily install game) Bug#863704: duplicate Bug#865283: fontmake packaging Bug#865283: ITP: fontmake -- Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType) Bug#865830: RFP: seafile-server - An online file storage and collaboration tool Bug#867968: marked as done (ITP: ign-transport3 -- Ignition Transport library v3) Bug#867969: marked as done (ITP: sdformat5 -- Simulation Description Format (SDF) parser) Bug#868005: glyphslib uploaded to NEW Bug#868845: marked as done (RFA: pytest-httpbin -- py.test plugin to provide a local httpbin) Bug#868845: RFA: pytest-httpbin -- py.test plugin to provide a local httpbin Bug#869730: marked as done (ITP: featherpad -- FeatherPad is a lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor for Linux) Bug#870146: marked as done (ITP: node-ip -- IP address utilities for node.js) Bug#870808: a package for testing is ready Bug#870808: marked as done (ITP: dablin -- CLI and GTK GUI DAB & DAB+ receiver client) Bug#870844: Adopting pytest-xdist Bug#871457: marked as done (ITP: libjs-cssrelpreload -- JavaScript to load CSS asynchronously) Bug#871978: marked as done (ITP: deepin-icon-theme -- Deepin Icons) Bug#871981: Incorrectly closed Bug#872633: marked as done (ITP: deepin-image-viewer -- Image Viewer for Deepin Desktop Environment) Bug#873553: marked as done (ITA: ncurses-hexedit -- Edit files/disks in hex, ASCII and EBCDIC) Bug#874382: marked as done (ITP: node-vue-template-compiler -- template compiler for Vue 2.0) Bug#874668: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss -- Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins) Bug#876095: Still active? Bug#876259: marked as done (ITP: node-caniuse-lite -- smaller version of caniuse-db, with only the essentials) Bug#876263: marked as done (ITP: node-browserslist -- Share browsers list between different front-end tools) Bug#876264: marked as done (ITP: node-babel-preset-env -- Babel preset for each environment) Bug#876449: marked as done (ITP: django-sass-processor -- compile files from markup languages such as SASS/SCSS) Bug#876505: marked as done (ITP: django-js-reverse -- Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt.) Bug#876507: marked as done (ITP: django-hvad -- Painless translations in Django) Bug#876681: RFH: rst2pdf -- ReportLab-based reStructuredText to PDF renderer Bug#876784: marked as done (ITP: django-background-tasks -- databased-backed work queue for Django) Bug#876877: marked as done (ITP: node-grunt-webpack -- Use webpack with grunt) Bug#876969: marked as done (ITP: node-babel-preset-airbnb -- babel preset for transforming your JavaScript for Airbnb) Bug#877287: marked as done (ITP: node-stream-to-observable -- Convert Node Streams into ECMAScript-Observables) Bug#877528: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-transition -- Animated transitions for D3 selections) Bug#877600: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-brush -- Select a one- or two-dimensional region using the mouse or touch) Bug#877782: marked as done (ITP: ignore-me -- Generator for ignore files for autotools based projects) Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Bug#877849: Namespace conflict for python-magic Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic Bug#877849: marked as done (ITP: python-magic -- A python wrapper for libmagic) Bug#877994: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-axis -- Displays automatic reference lines for scales) Bug#878002: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-zoom -- Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input) Bug#878020: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-scale -- Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation) Bug#878029: marked as done (ITP: streamlink -- CLI for extracting video streams from various websites to a video player) Bug#878048: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-force -- Force-directed graph layout using velocity Verlet integration) Bug#878065: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-dsv -- parser and formatter for delimiter-separated values, such as CSV) Bug#878081: marked as done (ITP: node-preact -- React alternative with the same ES6 API) Bug#878118: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-hierarchy -- Layout algorithms for visualizing hierarchical data) Bug#878243: marked as done (ITP: node-d3-request -- convenient alternative to XMLHttpRequest) Bug#879183: marked as done (ITP: node-latest-version -- Get the latest version of an npm package) Bug#879247: marked as done (ITP: jieba -- Jieba Chinese text segmenter) Bug#879441: marked as done (O: zanshin -- to-do list manager) Bug#879812: marked as done (ITP: sasview -- Small Angle Scattering Analysis) Bug#879877: marked as done (ITP: olivetti-mode -- simple Emacs minor mode for a nice writing environment) Bug#880988: marked as done (ITP: node-boxen -- Create boxes in the terminal) Bug#881136: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-rope -- Ropes ("heavyweight strings") for OCaml) Bug#881297: An apache karaf debian package made with native debian packaging tools Bug#881297: Notes on how karaf starts and what dependencies are needed Bug#881379: feedback, setup Bug#881381: marked as done (ITA: jeepyb -- tools for managing gerrit projects and external sources) Bug#881423: marked as done (ITP: node-qw -- Quoted word literals) Bug#881508: marked as done (ITA: glbsp -- node builder library for OpenGL-based Doom-style games) Bug#881716: marked as done (RFP: liblxi -- Open source library providing API for communicating with LXI compatible instruments) Bug#881867: marked as done (O: dapl -- development files for the DAPL libraries) Bug#881868: marked as done (O: ibsim -- InfiniBand fabric simulator utilities) Bug#881899: marked as done (ITP: imx-usb-loader -- i.MX/Vybrid recovery utility) Bug#882118: marked as done (ITP: glyphsinfo -- Glyphs info used inside Bug#882233: marked as done (ITP: ignition-math4 -- A small, fast, and high performance math library (v4)) Bug#882237: marked as done (ITP: ignition-cmake -- CMake modules to be used by the Ignition projects) Bug#882291: marked as done (RFP: fonts-mplus-ttf -- condensed monospace font) Bug#882291: not sure Bug#882326: colmap Bug#882583: marked as done (ITP: python-quamash -- implementation of the PEP 3156 event-loop with Qt) Bug#882612: marked as done (ITP: python-django-channels -- Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django) Bug#882788: marked as done (ITP: mblaze -- UNIX utilities to deal with Maildir) Bug#882793: marked as done (ITP: holes -- find runs of zero bytes) Bug#882800: marked as done (ITP: sphinx-gallery -- extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts) Bug#882814: marked as done (ITP: snooze -- run a command at a particular time) Bug#883075: marked as done (ITP: memleax -- debug a running process for memoy leaks without recompiling or restarting) Bug#883267: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rhandsontable -- GNU R interface to the 'Handsontable.js' library) Bug#883270: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-shinydashboard -- GNU R create dashboards with 'Shiny') Bug#883393: ITP: jool -- Open Source SIIT and NAT64 Translator for Linux Bug#883430: marked as done (ITP: stex -- stex to latex and latex to html converters and associated tools) Bug#883465: marked as done (ITP: appmenu-gtk-module -- GtkMenuShell to GMenuModel parser) Bug#883644: marked as done (ITP: papirus-icon-theme -- Papirus Icon Theme) Bug#883768: marked as done (ITP: node-json3 -- modern JSON implementation) Bug#883770: marked as done (ITP: i2pd -- Full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client) Bug#883813: marked as done (ITA: tack -- terminfo action checker) Bug#883813: O: tack -- terminfo action checker Bug#883828: marked as done (ITP: woff2 -- library for converting fonts to WOFF 2.0) Bug#883867: [Pkg-vala-maintainers] Anyone interested in packaging bookworm? Bug#883867: Anyone interested in packaging bookworm? Bug#884115: Rmarkdown contains code without license statement - is this allowed on CRAN? Bug#884274: marked as done (ITP: deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin -- Qt platform theme integration plugin for DDE) Bug#884279: marked as done (ITP: klystrack -- Chiptune tracker) Bug#884796: preliminary packaging Bug#884842: More Splitting Bug#884872: marked as done (ITP: iem-plugin-suite -- IEM's spatialization suite) Bug#885165: ITP: node-cidr-regex -- Regular expression for matching IP addresses in CIDR notation Bug#885169: marked as done (ITP: node-npm-bundled -- Parses info on bundled dependencies) Bug#885220: marked as done (automated source package updater assistant) Bug#885349: marked as done (ITP: spinner-el -- spinner for the Emacs modeline for operations in progress) Bug#885350: marked as done (ITP: queue-el -- queue data structure for Emacs Lisp) Bug#885384: marked as done (ITP: cider -- The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs) Bug#885384: Unblock Bug#885396: ITP: static3 -- Really simple WSGI way to serve static content Bug#885396: marked as done (ITP: static3 -- Really simple WSGI way to serve static content) Bug#885400: marked as done (O: sanduhr -- An alarm clock designed as an hourglass) Bug#885405: RFP: waterfox -- graphical web browser based on Firefox Bug#885593: marked as done (ITP: libt3highlight -- Syntax highlighting library) Bug#885595: marked as done (ITP: libt3key -- Terminal key sequence database library) Bug#885596: marked as done (ITP: libt3widget -- C++ terminal dialog toolkit) Bug#885597: marked as done (RFS: libt3window/0.2.6-1 [ITP] -- Library for creating window-based terminal programs) Bug#885639: marked as done (TAG: Pagure -- Pagure is a git-centered forge, python based using pygit2.) Bug#885727: marked as done (ITP: node-json-buffer -- JSON functions that can convert buffers.) Bug#885834: marked as done (ITP: libtree-r-perl -- Perl extension for the R-tree data structure and algorithms) Bug#885886: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-zillode-notify -- filesystem event notification library on steroids) Bug#885906: marked as done (ITP: piu-piu -- Horizontal scroller game in bash for cli) Bug#885933: marked as done (ITP: gajim-appindicatorintegration -- integrates Gajim with the appindicator) Bug#885972: ITP: node-opentip -- JavaScript tooltip class Bug#885978: ITP: node-lightgallery -- Modular lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery Bug#885982: O: grafana-zabbix -- Zabbix datasource for Grafana Bug#885983: O: tupi -- 2D Animation design and authoring tool Bug#885984: marked as done (O: winswitch -- tool to start and control remote sessions) Bug#885984: O: winswitch -- tool to start and control remote sessions Bug#885986: ITP: node-knockout-sortable -- JQuery-UI "sortable" binding for knockout Bug#885997: ITP: getmyancestors - downloads GEDCOM data from FamilySearch Bug#886013: marked as done (ITA: duc -- high-performance disk usage analyzer) Bug#886013: O: duc -- high-performance disk usage analyzer Bug#886014: ITP: libplacebo -- GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives Bug#886014: marked as done (ITP: libplacebo -- GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives) Bug#886022: Clarification: RFP: errol -- Automatic XMPP file sender and directory watcher Bug#886022: RFP: errol -- Automatic XMPP file sender and directory watcher Bug#886027: ITP: libmail-message-perl -- generic class representing mail messages (perl library) Bug#886027: marked as done (ITP: libmail-message-perl -- generic class representing mail messages (perl library)) Bug#886030: RFP: gitlab-webhook-xmpp -- multi-user chat notifications about GitLab events Bug#886092: ITP: node-knockout-transformations -- Live transform methods for Knockout observable arrays Bug#886097: ITP: node-progressjs -- JavaScript progress bar library Bug#886102: O: oolite -- space sim game, inspired by Elite Bug#886129: ITP: mstch -- Mustache implementation in C++11 Bug#886129: marked as done (ITP: mstch -- Mustache implementation in C++11) Bug#886151: ITP: iopport -- direct access to I/O ports from the command line Bug#886151: marked as done (ITP: iopport -- direct access to I/O ports from the command line) Bug#886167: ITP: libmoosex-traitfor-meta-class-betteranonclassnames-perl -- helper for MooseX::Util to generate anonymous class names Bug#886167: marked as done (ITP: libmoosex-traitfor-meta-class-betteranonclassnames-perl -- helper for MooseX::Util to generate anonymous class names) Bug#886169: ITP: libmoosex-util-perl -- Moose::Util extensions Bug#886169: marked as done (ITP: libmoosex-util-perl -- Moose::Util extensions) Bug#886170: ITP: ksmtp -- library for handling SMTP data Bug#886176: ITP: libmail-transport-perl -- perl library for sending email Bug#886176: marked as done (ITP: libmail-transport-perl -- perl library for sending email) Bug#886197: ITP: node-js-cookie -- Lightweight JavaScript cookie API Bug#886197: marked as done (ITP: node-js-cookie -- Lightweight JavaScript cookie API) Bug#886216: ITP: xymonq -- query-cli for Xymon Bug#886217: ITP: datatables-extensions -- extensions for the jQuery plug-in for tables from different data sources Bug#886217: marked as done (ITP: datatables-extensions -- extensions for the jQuery plug-in for tables from different data sources) Bug#886223: ITP: workalendar -- Worldwide holidays and working days helper and toolkit Bug#886254: ITP: cuba -- library for multidimensional numerical integration Bug#886256: ITP: r-cran-dt -- GNU R wrapper of the JavaScript library 'DataTables' Bug#886256: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-dt -- GNU R wrapper of the JavaScript library 'DataTables') Bug#886268: ITP: butt -- streaming tool for live audio very easy to use Bug#886269: marked as done (ITP: node-fetch -- light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js) Bug#886274: marked as done (ITP: node-isomorphic-fetch -- Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify) Bug#886300: ITP: fonts-shobhika -- Open source, libre Devanagari + Latin font for scholars Bug#886308: marked as done (ITP: node-fbjs -- collection of utility libraries used by other Facebook JS projects) Bug#886309: marked as done (ITP: node-plugin-error -- Error handling for vinyl plugins) Bug#886310: ITP: filter-other-days -- filter logfiles for today's date in an Artificial Ignorance-compatible way Bug#886311: RFP: kitty -- A cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator Bug#886313: marked as done (ITP: node-gulp-flatten -- remove or replace relative path for files) Bug#886320: marked as done (ITP: node-gulp-rename -- gulp pulgin to rename files) Bug#886338: missing url Bug#886338: pull request upstream Bug#886338: RFP: python3-pytest-asyncio -- pytest support for asyncio Bug#886341: marked as done (ITP: node-prop-types -- Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects) Bug#886347: O: timidity -- Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player) Bug#886348: ITP: libmail-box-imap4-perl -- perl module for handling of IMAP4 folders as client Bug#886348: marked as done (ITP: libmail-box-imap4-perl -- perl module for handling of IMAP4 folders as client) Bug#886353: ITP: libmail-box-pop3-perl -- POP3 handler for Mail::Box Bug#886353: marked as done (ITP: libmail-box-pop3-perl -- POP3 handler for Mail::Box) Bug#886357: ITP: lamarc -- Likelihood Analysis with Metropolis Algorithm using Random Coalescence Bug#886357: marked as done (ITP: lamarc -- Likelihood Analysis with Metropolis Algorithm using Random Coalescence) Bug#886373: ITP: json-tricks -- Python module with extra features for JSON files Bug#886373: marked as done (ITP: json-tricks -- Python module with extra features for JSON files) Bug#886404: [Pkg-javascript-devel] node-rollup-plugin-babel: build error unrepro but babelHelpers missing error in autopkgtest Bug#886404: [Pkg-javascript-devel] node-rollup-plugin-babel: build error unrepro but babelHelpers missing error in autopkgtest Bug#886404: node-rollup-plugin-babel: build error unrepro but babelHelpers missing error in autopkgtest Bug#886409: ITP: flameshot -- Powerful yet simple screenshot software Bug#886418: ITP: kwant -- Python package for numerical quantum transport calculations Bug#886418: Related ITP Bug#886463: ITP: centrifuge -- rapid and memory-efficient system for classification of DNA sequences Bug#886481: RFP: herbie -- Synthesis for floating-point expressions Bug#886502: ITP: libpath-iter-perl -- module for simple efficient path iteration Bug#886502: marked as done (ITP: libpath-iter-perl -- module for simple efficient path iteration) Bug#886508: ITP: paper-icon-theme Bug#886514: RFP: verdigris -- a header-only Qt moc replacement Bug#886519: ITP: node-asap -- The asap function executes a task as soon as possible but not before it returns, waiting only for the completion of the current event and previously scheduled tasks. Bug#886525: ITP: rt4-extension-mergeusers -- Merge users (Request Tracker) Bug#886526: ITP: rt4-extension-commandbymail -- Change metadata of ticket via email (Request Tracker) Bug#886527: ITP: rt4-extension-assets-import-csv -- Import Assets from CSV files (Request Tracker) Bug#886528: ITP: dumb-jump-el -- jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration Bug#886528: marked as done (ITP: dumb-jump-el -- jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration) Bug#886529: RFP: ripgrep -- line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern Bug#886546: ITP ddupdate: A Dynamic DNS Updater Bug#886547: ITP ddupdate: A Dynamic DNS Updater Bug#886553: RFA: jcommander Bug#886561: ITP: spec-alpha-clojure -- library to describe the structure of data and functions Bug#886562: ITP: core-specs-alpha-clojure -- specs to describe Clojure core macros and functions Bug#886569: ITP: zerotier-one -- ZeroTier network virtualization service Bug#886577: ITP: lnd -- Lightning Network Daemon Bug#886579: ITP: zbase32 -- Human-oriented encoding for binary data Bug#886579: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-tv42-zbase32 -- Human-oriented encoding for binary data) Bug#886579: marked as done (ITP: zbase32 -- Human-oriented encoding for binary data) Bug#886598: ITP: golang-gopkg-errgo.v1 -- Dependable Go errors with tracebacks Bug#886598: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-errgo.v1 -- Dependable Go errors with tracebacks) Bug#886599: RFH: broadcom-sta -- Broadcom STA Wireless driver (non-free) Bug#886600: ITP: golang-github-juju-version -- go package for intelligent version comparisons Bug#886600: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-version -- go package for intelligent version comparisons) Bug#886601: ITP: pokemmo-installer -- Installer and Launcher for the PokeMMO emulator Bug#886602: ITP: golang-github-juju-retry -- The retry package encapsulates the mechanism around retrying commands Bug#886602: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-retry -- The retry package encapsulates the mechanism around retrying commands) Bug#886605: ITP: golang-github-juju-mutex -- Provides a named machine level mutex shareable between processes Bug#886605: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-mutex -- Provides a named machine level mutex shareable between processes) Bug#886607: ITP: golang-gopkg-httprequest.v1 -- unmarshaling HTTP request parameters into a struct type Bug#886607: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-httprequest.v1 -- unmarshaling HTTP request parameters into a struct type) Bug#886609: golang-github-juju-httpprof -- httpprof is a fork of net/http/pprof which works correctly when not at the server's root Bug#886609: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-httpprof -- httpprof is a fork of net/http/pprof which works correctly when not at the server's root) Bug#886610: ITP: golang-github-juju-utils -- General utility functions Bug#886610: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-utils -- General utility functions) Bug#886612: ITP: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean -- strips terminal escapes from text, can preserve color Bug#886612: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean -- strips terminal escapes from text, can preserve color) Bug#886613: ITP: golang-github-juju-ansiterm -- Colored writers and tabwriters Bug#886613: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-ansiterm -- Colored writers and tabwriters) Bug#886615: ITP: golang-github-juju-loggo -- logging library for Go Bug#886615: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-loggo -- logging library for Go) Bug#886616: ITP: golang-github-juju-testing -- Testing gocheck suites and checkers used across juju projects Bug#886616: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-testing -- Testing gocheck suites and checkers used across juju projects) Bug#886618: ITP: golang-github-juju-httprequest -- JSON-oriented HTTP server and client helpers Bug#886618: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-httprequest -- JSON-oriented HTTP server and client helpers) Bug#886620: ITP: golang-github-juju-webbrowser -- Go helpers for interacting with Web browsers Bug#886620: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-webbrowser -- Go helpers for interacting with Web browsers) Bug#886621: ITP: golang-github-juju-schema -- coerce dynamically typed data structures into known forms Bug#886621: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-juju-schema -- coerce dynamically typed data structures into known forms) Bug#886622: ITP: golang-gopkg-juju-environschema.v1 -- schema descriptions for Juju environment configurations Bug#886622: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-juju-environschema.v1 -- schema descriptions for Juju environment configurations) Bug#886623: ITP: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v1 -- macaroons implementation in Go Bug#886628: ITP: tinyarray -- Arrays of numbers, optimized for small sizes Bug#886640: ITP: node-accord -- An interface for compiled languages, templates in JavaScript Bug#886641: ITP: node-indx -- recursive "require" for Node.JS Bug#886643: ed help request Bug#886643: RFH: ed -- classic UNIX line editor Bug#886648: ITP: kmscube -- Example KMS/GBM/EGL application Bug#886648: marked as done (ITP: kmscube -- Example KMS/GBM/EGL application) Bug#886668: ITP: golang-github-posener-complete -- bash completion written in go + bash completion for go command Bug#886668: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-posener-complete -- bash completion written in go + bash completion for go command) Bug#886679: RFA: coccinelle -- semantic patching tool for C Bug#886697: RFP: commitizen -- Git command that helps format commit messages correctly Bug#886707: ITP: purple-discord -- a Pidgin plugin for the Discord IM protocol Bug#886708: ITP: harmony -- manage accounts on the Discord messaging service Bug#886708: marked as done (ITP: harmony -- manage accounts on the Discord messaging service) Bug#886709: ITP: librecaptcha -- program and library for solving reCAPTCHA challenges Bug#886709: marked as done (ITP: librecaptcha -- program and library for solving reCAPTCHA challenges) Bug#886717: ITP: coreapi -- Python client library for Core API Bug#886717: marked as done (ITP: coreapi -- Python client library for Core API) Bug#886718: ITP: retdec -- retargetable machine-code decompiler Bug#886723: ITP: ums2net -- USB Mass Storage to Network Proxy Bug#886723: marked as done (ITP: ums2net -- USB Mass Storage to Network Proxy) Bug#886730: Acknowledgement (ITP: python-twodict -- Simple two way ordered dictionary for Python) Bug#886730: ITP: python-twodict -- Simple two way ordered dictionary for Python Bug#886730: marked as done (ITP: python-twodict -- Simple two way ordered dictionary for Python) Bug#886739: O: kubernetes -- Container Cluster Manager Bug#886740: O: cadvisor -- analyze resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers Bug#886748: ITP: salt-pepper -- A library and stand-alone CLI tools to access a salt-api instance Bug#886748: marked as done (ITP: salt-pepper -- A library and stand-alone CLI tools to access a salt-api instance) Bug#886752: ITP: tl-cpputils -- A general C++ utility library used by various Avast Threat Labs projects. Bug#886752: marked as done (ITP: tl-cpputils -- A general C++ utility library used by various Avast Threat Labs projects.) Bug#886763: ITP: golang-github-surma-gocpio -- A Go package for cpio archives Bug#886763: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-surma-gocpio -- A Go package for cpio archives) Bug#886764: ITP: golang-github-14rcole-gopopulate -- A small library to populate a directory with random data Bug#886764: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-14rcole-gopopulate -- A small library to populate a directory with random data) Bug#886766: ITP: golang-github-ostreedev-ostree-go -- Golang bindings for OSTree Bug#886766: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-ostreedev-ostree-go -- Golang bindings for OSTree) Bug#886767: ITP: go-flags -- go command line option parser Bug#886767: two packages of Bug#886769: ITP: fakemachine -- create and spawn virtual machines Bug#886769: Processed (with 1 error): progress Bug#886769: progress Bug#886772: ITP: debos -- Debian OS builder Bug#886783: ITP: coreschema -- Python utilities to describe an abstract data schema to coreapi Bug#886783: marked as done (ITP: coreschema -- Python utilities to describe an abstract data schema to coreapi) Bug#886786: ITP: python-jsonhyperschema-codec -- A JSON Hyperschema codec for Core API. Bug#886787: ITP: r-cran-whisker -- GNU R mustache, logicless templating Bug#886787: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-whisker -- GNU R mustache, logicless templating) Bug#886788: ITP: python-hal-codec -- A HAL codec for Core API Bug#886789: ITP: python-openapi-codec -- An OpenAPI codec for Core API Bug#886790: ITP: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v2 Bug#886790: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-macaroon.v2) Bug#886791: ITP: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v2 -- We bake 'em sweet, we bake 'em nice Bug#886791: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v2 -- We bake 'em sweet, we bake 'em nice) Bug#886800: ITP: itypes -- Python basic immutable containers types library. Bug#886800: ITP: python-itypes -- Python basic immutable containers types library. Bug#886800: marked as done (ITP: itypes -- Python basic immutable containers types library.) Bug#886808: ITP: retdec-config -- A C++ library and tool for managing RetDec configuration databases. Bug#886815: Help with libgit2 needed to strip code copy from r-cran-git2r Bug#886815: ITP: r-cran-git2r -- GNU R access to Git repositories Bug#886815: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-git2r -- GNU R access to Git repositories) Bug#886815: r-cran-git2r uses private header files of libgit2 (Was: Help with libgit2 needed to strip code copy from r-cran-git2r) The last update was on 22:37 GMT Tue May 12. There are 1053 messages. Page 1 of 3.

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