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Re: What about our webapp policy draft?

hi guys,

On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 08:42:57PM +1300, Matt Brown wrote:
> One thing I've had on my TODO list for the PHPwiki package for a while
> is to look at vhosts and how these are handled by the system. 

> Is there an existing policy or framework for this? Is it an apache
> specific issue?

i think the actual configuration process will be apache specific,
though we can perhaps abstract some level of behavior to be
more general as well.

> The problem is that when installing a package on a machine that has been
> configured with virtual hosting, dropping a configuration snippet
> into /etc/apache2/conf.d/ is not likely to have the desired effect. Some
> method of choosing which vhost the user wants the package to appear in
> and then making that work is required. 

i think unless you're shooting to solve the Big Problem, your best
bet is to assume that your application is being installed under
a subdirectory, but at the same time make sure that it will also
function as a virtual host as well (and perhaps provide examples
and docs for how to do it the other way).

> Has anything been done in this area that I am not aware of?

there's some stuff in webapps-common in CVS, but it hasn't seen the
light of day (or my editor) for a few months :)

On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 09:38:11AM +0100, Alexis Sukrieh wrote:
> > - get more "outside eyes" reading over the document for review.  mainly
> >   i'd like to see at least one of the apache team sign off on it,
> >   as they have a vested interest in seeing this work as well.
> As I used to package an inoffical flavor of apache (apache-lingerd) I
> know a few members of the apache maintainers, I'm going to contact them
> for a first review.

that would be really welcome.  i would say the support of the apache
peeps is a pre-requisite for any progress relating to making this
an official policy.

> > - get more work done on the webapps-common package to actually
> >   implement this stuff.
> I'm willing to help for this, could you point me to the right place to
> look at?

sure.  currently the webapps-common module in CVS has the source
for a webapps-common package which iirc is already somewhat functional.
also in the source is an examples directory, in which you can build
some example packages as proof of concept.  

> I agree with you, on complex issues, only someone familiar with the
> package can fix them. But there are several common issues when we are
> about "webapps", and I think a team can efficiently fix them.


> This team could also provide an "expert" point of view for
> reviewing/sponsoring new webapp packages.

this is definitely a good idea.  as progress in other areas is
made, i think getting our name out to the right groups will be
beneficial for this.  for example, in addition to the
developers' reference there's the new maintainers' guide, and likewise,
letting the dd's who help out in debian-newmaint know of our existance
would probably be welcomed as we could help field some of the webapp
related questions for them.


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