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Re: docs updated, working copy of php draft now available online

Piotr Roszatycki escreveu:

I agree that the solution should be backward compatible and consistent with

current php packages. So this is my last proposition:


/etc/php : for local administrator
/usr/local/share/php$MAJORVERSION : compatible with major version of PHP (i.e.
= 5.0 or 4.0), locally installed
/usr/local/share/php : compatible with any version, locally installed
/usr/share/php$MAJORVERSION : compatible with major version
/usr/share/php : compatible with any version
/usr/share/pear : backward compatibility
why backward ? old packages, put files in /usr/share/php,, then if we need to change them, we can put based on new policy.


/usr/local/lib/php$MAJORVERSION/$PHPAPI : locally installed
/usr/local/lib/php : locally installed
/usr/lib/php$MAJORVERSION/$PHPAPI : compatible with current major version of PHP

PHPAPI=$(php-config --phpapi)

The question:

Should the web application set the include_path and extension_dir variables or should rely on default settings? What if some administrator will overwrite the default settings editing php.ini? The application should override them again with .htaccess?

I think its possible do it.
look this line htaccess in  phpmyadmin.
php_value include_path .

Jose Carlos

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