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Re: docs updated, working copy of php draft now available online

We talk a lot,, but what we defined about php4 and php5 modules , pear packages ? where files will be put ?

we need to tell to Sean , File and directory layout of pear modules,, and other php clases, like adodb

have you missed the mention of the php document?  most of what we're
discussing is outlined to some degree there:

Sorry :)
I read this doc.
I didnt find  how to name  php modules or classes  that arent  pear modules.
ex. adodb,, now is  libphp-adodb   will we keep this ?

I wrote this email , just  as one resume, :)

Piotr,, this is right ? PEAR Packages: ( I think PEAR packages can put files separeted of other php packages)
1 - pear (deb) packages used by all php versions

this has been mentioned but i don't think anyone has been able to
argue how co-existing in the same place for pear and non-pear stuff
could cause a problem.  if you could give technical reasons why it should
be seperated i'm all for hearing them.
I think we need see Pear like one framework or a big project made with littles modules or packages. Pear project control your modules and its impossilbe has 2 modules with same name or equal files.

If I make one package,, ex,, libphp-mail or libphp-net,, these packages will conflict with pear packages, because pear create /usr/share/php/Net ,

Then I think its better put pear packages like one big project and put all files in one directory,, ex. /usr/share/php/pear.

2 - pear (deb) packages restricted to one version of php, ex php5,

this is what we're currently using, yes, though i've expressed an interest
in phpPHPVERSION as an alternative.  i think maybe this is something we
can pass up the stream to the php maintainers for an opinion.
Yes, do you know these mantainers ? how we can talk with them ?

3 - pear packages installed by "pear(VERSION) install" ex., pear5 install DB

yes, with the same proviso as above.
is this in policy draft ?

Others PHP packages (  ex.,  Adodb, Jpgraph, Diogenes,etc )
1 - php packages used by all php versions,,
2 - php that need one specific php version , ex php5

is this in policy draft ?  I read but didnt see :(

PECL packages:
1 - as packge need to be compiled,  we can put in
2 -  installed by pecl, or something,, /usr/local/lib/php/(VERSION)

someone will have to back me up here, but i believe that the zend
api version is used somewhere in this path.

hum, i dont know nothing about it , maybe others can tell something about...

Jose Carlos

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