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Re: docs updated, working copy of php draft now available online

On Monday 08 of August 2005 21:14, Jose Carlos do Nascimento wrote:
> Piotr Roszatycki escreveu:
> >The question:
> >
> >Should the web application set the include_path and extension_dir
> > variables or should rely on default settings? What if some administrator
> > will overwrite the default settings editing php.ini? The application
> > should override them again with .htaccess?
> I think its possible do it.
> look this line htaccess in  phpmyadmin.
> php_value include_path .

The phpmyadmin doesn't need any library. What if the application requires PEAR 
library? Should it add:

include_path /usr/local/share/php5:/usr/local/share/php:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php

to the .htaccess? I guess, not, becase the path list could be different, i.e. 
I would like to add /usr/local/share/php5.1 to the path list, if I've 
installed PHP 5.1 on my system by hand. Or shouldn't we set this path list 
for each PHP application?

 .''`.    Piotr Roszatycki, Netia SA
: :' :    mailto:Piotr_Roszatycki@netia.net.pl
`. `'     mailto:dexter@debian.org

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