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Re: [PHP] Standard placement of PHP libraries?


On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 03:16:06PM +0200, Piotr Roszatycki wrote:
> BTW, I'm investigating Fedora's php package. They use ./configure 
> --with-config-file-scan-dir=%{_sysconfdir}/php.d, so registering the PHP 
> extensions is pretty easy. I think we could mimic apache2's layout:
> /etc/php5/apache/mods-available/500mysql.ini = config file installed from 
> Debian package
> /etc/php5/apache/php.d/500mysql.ini = symlink created by php5-modconf or 
> simply by postinst script
> I'm not sure if the "mods-available" is good name... We could also rename 
> "php.d" to "conf.d" like for apache and apache2 packages.

i reported a wishlist bug about this a little over a year ago (#250686).

> Last, but not least: php5 package installs /etc/apache/conf.d/php5.conf file. 
> This is the problem related to any apache's modules. The problem appears if 
> package is removed but conffile still remains. Remember that we have 4 
> flavours of Apache server 
> (/etc/{apache,apache-ssl,apache-perl,apache2}/conf.d) and I think we 
> shouldn't provide just one config file for 4 servers.

each server could use the same config file, but it shouldn't be placed
in the conf.d directory and instead symlinked.  during non-purge
removal the symlinks could be removed and the file intact.



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